*Bulletin ID* |
A2E_189 |
*Last Review* |
05/12/2010 |
*Revision* |
1.0 |
*Previous IDs* |
None |
*Obsoletes* |
None |
Exchange Reports: Object variable or With block variable not set when synchronizing
During a synchronization process, Add2Exchange fails with Errors in the Add2Exchange Event Log. In the Add2Exchange Event viewer, you may receive the error message “Exchange Reports: Object variable or With block variable not set”.
Missing Permissions: This error can occur if the A2E Service account does not have the proper permissions to access the Exchange Server, as when it is not part of the local administrators group of the machine or does not have full mailbox access rights.
Exchange Server needs MS Critical updates and a reboot.
Less likely than those above, Denied ACCESS to the GAL: This could occur if the Add2Exchange Service Account has been restricted from reading the Default Global Address List.
In the Add2Exchange Event viewer, you receive the error message “Exchange Reports: Object variable or With block variable not set”.
If you then go to the Application Event viewer on the actual Exchange Server, and see these EXCDO error messages around the time of the error in the Add2Exchange Event log, then an Exchange MS Critical update and reboot is necessary:
Event Type: Error
Event Source: EXCDO
Event Category: General
Event ID: 8217
User: N/A
Computer: YourEXCHANGEServer
The processing of the recurring appointment with the subject "Steven's monthly meeting" in mailbox:, Jeff failed with error code 0x80004005. This appointment will not be visible in the web client or other non-MAPI client.
Permissions: First, make sure the Service Account is part of the local Administrators Group of all Exchange Server(s) there are mailboxes or where Exchange is replicating to.
Next, make sure the permissions are correct for the Add2Exchange Service account as specified in the Manual. Running the Preinstaller Utility on the Exchange 2007 or Exchange 2010 Server is a good way to make that happen. It is ok to run twice, and the second run may not be able to reapply public folder permissions, and so will hang. It is OK to close it manually. You also may not have inheritance for your data stores, so you may have to give the permissions to the account from within Exchange Advanced for the Account in AD or in Exchange Management Console.
TIP: We have seen that in a mixed mode, 2003 and 2007/2010 environment, in Exchange Management Console, in Full Mailbox Access rights for an account, you may see the A2E Service account and A2E Security Group there, but they do not have the effective permissions stated in the interface. We have seen in the field that you may have to remove the A2E Service account and A2E Security group from Full Mailbox rights for some accounts, then re add the accounts for the permissions to take effect correctly. Hopefully MS fixes this shortly.
The most likely culprit is there are MS Critical Updates to Server: We reported this EXCDO bug to MS and we issued this tip: http://support.diditbetter.com/kb/a2e_174.aspx
. The patches found in this tip are included in the later releases of MS Critical Service packs. Be sure to Stop the Add2Exchange Service prior to updating the Exchange Server, and on the Exchange Server, apply the MS Critical updates (you may have to do it more than once and reboot between) until current. The version of A2E on the web is certified to work with the MS Critical Service packs in effect at the time. At the same time you are doing the Exchange and MS Critical updates, if the replication server is not the same server, apply the critical updates to the replication server. Finally, make sure you have the latest release of Add2Exchange from: http://support.diditbetter.com/downloads.aspx
GAL ACCESS: Try these two first as they are the most likely. If this does not resolve the issue, the next resolution to this issue requires the ADSIEdit tool, which is an optional component which can be installed as part of the Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 Support tools from your original Microsoft Windows Server installation CD/DVD.
After installing ADSIEdit, open the ADSIEdit tool
Browse to Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > Your Exchange OU > Address Lists Container > All Global Address Lists > Default Global Address List.
Either remove Deny Read and Deny Open Address List from the group affecting the Add2Exchange Service Account (I.e. Domain Users, Exchange Organizational Administrators, etc) or add the Add2Exchange Service Account and specifically check Allow Read and Allow Open Address List.
Applies To
Add2Exchange Standard Edition
Add2Exchange Enterprise Edition