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2/3/2011 6:49:23 AM
Total Posts 8


This is a request if the functionality isn't already there ;)

I've got a customer who is interested in only syncing certain calendar appointments. As I can see, there is a function for triggering replacements on certain prefixes.

But is there a way to say, only sync appointments that have these pre-fixes?

The customer wants to use this to keep track of sales personnel's customer meetings; so the sellers should be able to mark these appointments, and only sync them. Either to a single public folder, or to other private mailboxes; they haven't decided what they prefer yet.

Please advise if there is a way to sort this using current functions in A2E.

2/3/2011 9:24:29 AM
Total Posts 158

New Functionality - Syncing partial appointments - try this!

Great idea!  We are looking at category sync, but that would not seem to work for you.  It would put the onus of categorizing it on the user, making them do more, which is usually a bad idea. 

You can kind of get what you want with the current functionality by making a separate calendar folder, and anything the salespeople put on that calendar will populate to the aggregate calendar, and vice versa, but that won't work in a BlackBerry environment since they can only have one calendar per profile. You would have to use the default calendar. 

A relationship to the default calendar would work if you selected to not copy private items, they can use if for both public and private events.  If you selected to autoplace the initials of the user in the subject for the items made in the private synced to public, and place something like Pub or Sales in front of any item made in the pub, that would seem to get what you want, no?

Would that work for you? 

2/15/2011 3:06:57 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Functionality


Sorry for the late reply, too much to do ;)

If by category sync you mean syncing specific categories only, that would probably work for us; I have no problem putting that part on the users.

That would infact enable us to use it for other scenarios as well.

Do you have time frame on the implementation of this?


Using separate calendars would not do much good, I have no faith in the users remembering to put those appointments in the correct calendar.

There are many possible ways to solve it, but in essence it's a matter of the users being able to select/mark items to be synced; somehow.

As it is, I don't think we can use A2E; but if you could implement something like this, it'd be an awesome product for us.

2/21/2011 4:47:46 AM
Total Posts 8

Re: Functionality

Bump! :)

2/21/2011 11:17:00 AM
Total Posts 53
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Re: Functionality

I've moved this request to the "Feature Requests" forum.

2/24/2011 4:22:22 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Functionality

Well *bump* again then.

2/24/2011 4:28:56 PM
Total Posts 158

Re: Functionality

so a question, can your users use the

"do not copy private items" option of the relationship and it won't copy those items and will copy the ones they do not mark private?


2/24/2011 4:34:14 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Functionality

No, that's not really an option; it'd pretty much be useless unless they could sync different types of appointments to different calendars. Category sync would be spot on. How far away is that?

2/28/2011 9:20:59 AM
Total Posts 158

Re: Functionality

far and away, at least at this point

But far and away around here means about three months.  Sorry for the delay in that, but there are some exciting things coming down the pike in Enterprise, and categories is at the end of them at this point.  Auto licensing, alerts to technical support help, better communication protocol, faster, easier, can make relationships in anticipation of the additional rels, better use of those you have.  Those are the most immediate and imminent.  More later, stay tuned! 

After rereading the thread, yours is not a very hard situation to solve with the existing technology.  Set up many Public calendars to the sub private calendars and make a two way, one to one with them, and also select the do not copy private items.  This would do it, but you say your users can't be trusted to make them in the right place.  The very fact that they are viewing it makes it go there.  If you would like to investigate that, please call in for me in support.  x500.

2/28/2011 12:22:51 PM
Total Posts 8

Re: Functionality

Well no, I don't think that's a viable solution for us. As long as I can't differentiate appointments either through prefixes or categories, it'd be too much administration and too many potential error sources. There is no way users would remember to set all appts as private, and we'd pretty much have chaos. If it were the other way around, then maybe, but that'd be stupid.

But knowing the customer, it's only a matter of time before they need to be able to sync different appointments to 4 different calendars, and I can't see this being solvable as it is.

So I guess I'll have to look at other solutions then. Thanks for trying though :) If I come up empty I'll check with the customer and see if three months is a livable timeframe for them.

5/24/2011 1:17:51 PM
Total Posts 158

Re: Functionality of Categories

We are starting this project next week - June1, so stay tuned

you ok with that timeframe?