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Add2Exchange Console Crash, Fault in module ntdll.dll
There are 2 main causes for this error, and hopefully we can work to find the culprit. The first is Data Execution Prevention (DEP). This normally affects us when we are in a Virtual Machine, and the host machine believes we have caused an access fault. You can add our Add2Exchange Console.exe to the exclusion list in DEP to solve this issue.
The second, more common reason that the Add2Exchange Console would crash is related to CDO. On some servers, there is a file in the CDO package which does not communicate correctly with Exchange 2007. This file is emsmdb32.dll. This DLL has no dependencies and only affects applications which use CDO. You can find a replacement version of this DLL at ftp://ftp.diditbetter.com/Exchange/emsmdb32.zip. Simply rename the existing emsmdb32.dll on the server Add2Exchange is installed on, and place the replacement file in the same folder as the original.
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Re: Add2Exchange Console Crash, Fault in module ntdll.dll
This post has been addressed in technical bulletin 193. Please see there for up-to-date information on this issue.