*Bulletin ID* A2E_229
*Last Review* 04/23/2013
*Revision* 1.0
*Previous IDs* None
*Obsoletes* None

Appointment Time Shift Issues In A Full Mesh


Appointments are shifting by 6 hours.


This is explainable if an item is being made in the source and then edited by the user in a different time zone.  That change is then copied back to the source with the changed item being copied back to everyone else.  The user does not have to actually be in the other time zone, although they could be, but may have a device set incorrectly to the wrong time zone.

First, see this link:  http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/exchange/en-US/6966fba4-227c-4905-bf38-5ef89d7c0bcc/calendar-appointments-move-by-5-hours-or-whatever-the-tzoffset-is-activesync-issue

See this link: http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/calendar/appointments-and-time-zones/

The most likely cause of this problem would be if the user were to edit an item originating from the source through OWA, and when asked the first time OWA was opened, they specified GMT (which is coincidentally a 6 hour difference).  This edit would change the item and also change it for everyone else in a full mesh sync scenario.

Our technical support department worked at length to fix this and suggested this, but did not send detailed instructions on how to check and change this likely cause.  The instructions below must be followed and must also be done for each user until they find out which is misrepresented on their systems.

1) After successfully logging in, go to the bottom left corner of the main OWA screen and click the Options toolbar button:



2) Scroll down to the "Date and Time Formats" section of Options and change your time zone:



3) Click "Save and Close" at the top of the options page.


If none of the mailboxes are set incorrectly, it is very possible that the servers are not set to the correct time and time zone. Another thing to check are the mobile devices.  Make sure these are set to the correct time zone. 

Finally, check this setting on the replication server:

Conditional Step

If you are installing Add2Exchange on a system outside the United States, you will need to set the Regional and Language Options for the service account to US.  This is an account-specific setting and does not affect the rest of the system.

Go to Start > Control Panel > Regional and Language Options and choose English (United States) for Standards and formats.


Applies To

  • Add2Exchange Enterprise
  • Add2Exchange Standard

Keywords: TimeZone, Time Zone