*Bulletin ID* A2E_224
*Last Review* 11/12/2012
*Revision* 1.0
*Previous IDs* None
*Obsoletes* None

How Can I Tell If We Can Get This Version For Free?



I'm a licensed end user. Where can I check to see if we can get the new updated version for free?


The best way to find out if you are able to get the version for free is by checking the Add2Exchange Console or by checking the license key email you were sent when license keys were issued.

To check the Add2Exchange Console:

  • Log in as the A2E Service Account
  • Open the Add2Exchange Console
  • Look at the folder line for Software Assurance expiration 

If your software assurance expiration date is today or later, you can download the upgrade free since you're within your software assurance term.  If the date is in the past, you may have renewed but forgot to submit a license registration request for your renewal keys - live chat with us or contact Customer Care for a quick review of your account.  Upgrading will require a new license request: http://support.diditbetter.com/product-activation.aspx

If your software assurance is expired, you'll need to upgrade your license and reinstate the software assurance  - live chat or email us for a quote.

Applies To

  • Add2Exchange Enterprise
  • Add2Exchange 365
  • Add2Exchange Standard

Keywords: Free, Upgrade, Console