*Bulletin ID* |
A2E_191 |
*Last Review* |
05/14/2010 |
*Revision* |
1.0 |
*Previous IDs* |
None |
*Obsoletes* |
None |
Changing the Exchange Server Name for Add2Exchange
This document describes the process for changing the name of the Exchange server which Add2Exchange is using for synchronization.
This is not a server move guide (for moving Add2Exchange to another server). If you need instructions on how to move Add2Exchange to another server, see the Add2Exchange Guide at:
Add2Exchange stores the Exchange server name both as a registry pointer as well as within the software license. Both of these values need to be updated in order to change the server at which Add2Exchange is pointed. The registry entry is a simple edit, however, the software license requires a new license request submission as well as an associated fee. This is discussed in detail in the next section.
We provide a do-it-for-you Level 3 service to perform this process, which you can order through your account representative or at our online store:
(http://support.diditbetter.com/premium-support.aspx) This service provides everything except the migration the mailboxes and public folders for you for only $399, including license transfer fees.
You will update Add2Exchange (if under valid software subscription) run diagnostics, then edit the registry, then let replicate, and finally run the Recovery and Migration Manager tool.
Update Add2Exchange
If you have active software subscription, you should upgrade to the latest version of Diditbetter.com Software.
Open the Add2Exchange Console
Make sure you have valid software subscription (date expires today or in the future)
If you are under software subscription, follow the upgrade instructions at:
Stop the Add2Exchange Service
Use the service management console to stop the Add2Exchange Service and put it on Manual startup mode.
Prior to opening the console after the upgrade completes, run the sanitizedb utility.
The utility is located in the folder where you extracted the upgrade package. It is sanitizedb.exe
For instructions on using the utility, go to:
Remove any issues you find.
Purchase and install the Recovery and Migration Manager
In order to remap the relationships to the new server, you need to purchase and install the Recovery and Migration Manager tool.
You can find information about the tool and purchase it on our secure site at:
Download and install the tool. Be careful to download the correct Standard or Enterprise version here:
Run the tool and go into the Licensing menu. Fill out and submit a license request for the tool.
When you receive the license, run the tool. Copy and paste the entire key you received into box number 1, which is the 5 sets of alpha numeric keys, not the license address.
Update permission model if Exchange version has changed
If you are upgrading actual Exchange server version to versions, make sure any and all new security models have been changed by following the appendix in the manual and give the appropriate permissions to the service account.
Apply all Microsoft Exchange Server updates
If the same version of Exchange is being used, and Add2Exchange replicated correctly before, then only all critical Microsoft Updates are required to be applied to the replication server and Exchange Server and the systems rebooted.
Change the Exchange Server Name and License Address
*Warning* |
Editing the Windows Registry can cause damage to your system. Use appropriate caution and backup measures. |
Go to key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\OpenDoor Software\Add2Exchange
Edit the value Server Name and change it to the new server name
Use the simple NetBIOS (cluster, if appropriate) name (i.e. Mail)
Verify that you have gotten the server name correct and save
Go to the Profile 1 subkey
Edit the License Address key and insert a blank string
Do not remove the registry value name, just open it and remove the value
Close regedit.
Enable Logging
Open the Console
Go to the Service > Utility menu and select the Logging tab
Select receive Start and Stop success audits
Submit the License Request
Detailed instructions for submitting a licensing request can be found at:
Here are short-form instructions:
Select the Licensing menu
Fill out and submit a license transfer request for the tool
A nominal license transfer fee of $50 is required. Call 813-977-5739 or 800-837-8636.
Entering the New License(s)
Detailed instructions for entering the license can be found at:
Here are short-form instructions:
When you receive the license, run the Console
Select the Licensing menu
Copy and paste the entire key you received into box number 1
The license is the 5 sets of alpha numeric keys, not the license address
Start the Service
Exit the Add2Exchange Console
When prompted whether to start the service, select Yes
If the prompt does not appear, start the Add2Exchange service via the Services administrative tool
We’re not quite done yet. Add2Exchange needs to learn the new folder identifiers on the new server.
It is best to dismount the stores on the old server or the next steps cannot be accomplished in their entirety in one step (or must be done again).
You should receive failure audits in the Add2Exchange Event log. If you do not, then the old Exchange Server is probably still available and Exchange is automatically mapping these new stores for you. It would be best to dismount the stores in the old server to accomplish the remapping correctly.
Any errors you see are normal, and the Migration tool will do the job to repoint correctly the first time. When there is a failure to log on, Add2Exchange automatically puts all relationships into “alert” status since it cannot log on to the mailbox with the older Exchange Server Store Settings.
Run the Recovery and Migration Manager tool
This process will repoint the old relationships to the new folder IDs of the new Exchange Server. Be very careful and verify the red information to the folder list.
Tip |
Use the plus to open up and see the subfolders, do not double click because that is the same as accepting. |
Use the Select button to pick each folder. It will remap all the folders to the new correct IDs.
Applies To
Add2Exchange Standard
Add2Exchange Enterprise
Keywords: Exchange Server name, Add2Exchange Standard, Add2Exchange Enterprise