*Bulletin ID* |
A2E_151 |
*Last Review* |
01/12/2009 |
*Revision* |
1.0 |
*Previous IDs* |
None |
*Obsoletes* |
None |
Add2Exchange Prior Release Notes
The collected release notes from prior Add2Exchange versions.
Prior Recent Release History
10/27/2015 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 17.10.2180.1113 Cumulative update
Enhancement - Relman will now give any issues with members in log for those members who are not supposed to be in the group.
- RelMgr: Distribution Lists Not Obtain By The Following, Will Event Log Only And Will Not Update Tables. -- DL Address Entry Not Obtained -- DL Address Entry - DL Address Entry Members Recordset Not Obtained.
- RelMgr: Distribution Lists Not Obtain By The Following, Will Event Log Only And Will Not Update Tables. -- DL Address Entry Not Obtained -- DL Address Entry - DL Address Entry Members Recordset Not Obtained.
- RelMgr: Distribution Lists Not Obtain By The Following, Will Event Log Only And Will Not Update Tables. -- DL Address Entry Not Obtained -- DL Address Entry - DL Address Entry Members Recordset Not Obtained.
10/10/2015 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 17.10.2177.1112 Cumulative update
- Director Post Processing Will Not Reset Session Pass Sync.
Add2Agent 20150812 0748 v4.68.1215
Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationship for the Relationship passed by the Director.
With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationships for the Relationship Type passed by the Director and correct number count will show in the event logs.
RESOLVED: Load Group Membership Confirmation For ... Error: 91 Object variable or With block variable not set At Line 170.
Service Will Not Install Without One Of These Or All Of These Keys
DEFAULT: - Relationship Manager Uses separate sessions to maintain relationships for templates.
Load Group Membership Confirmation By Index For Each Member Instead Of By Actual Members.
- Additional full logging and error event logging details added to clsADMonitor for Relationship Manager processing.
GAL New Relationship Enabled After Folder Selected Resolved.
GAL Format Contact or Distribution List Failure Will Log Error Plus Now Exit Processing Instead Of Continuing.
Director Synchronization Will Log beginning of all relationships or relationship processing.
DEFAULT: - Director Synchronization Will Log beginning of all relationships or relationship processing.
- Updated Relationship(s) For Template(s) Are Null.
- Order reversed to Update Relationship(s) For Template(s) Are Null Or Membership No Longer Exists Added.
Fix: RelMgr's Decode Auto Pop Text Added Not Null Check To The Already Has Text Length Validation.
Update Relationship(s) For Template(s) Are Null Or Membership No Longer Exists Added.
- Load Group Confirmation Mapi Table SQL Requests.
- Load Group Confirmation Empty Current Address Entry.
- Changed CDO Session = RDO Session MAPI Object.
- Maintain Relationships by Group for RGM Exe Separate Session for each Group.
REVERTED: Relationship Manager Uses separate sessions to maintain relationships for templates.
Console's Relationship Group Manager Obtain A Group Selection Address Entry Modified.
Release: #17.8.2152.1096
(1 file): Reversed: hanging application fix DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150625 1525 v4.66.2515 -- Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- NOT ALLOWED Registry Session Pass Sync = 3.
Attempted second iteration of multithread capability for A2E processing, but hanging on 32 bit application in a 64 bit environment, lost session.
Release #17.7.2150.1093 (11 changes), (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150720 1421 v4.67.2015 -- Message Synchronization Did Not Complete - Delete Destination And ReCopy Source Process Removed.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150716 0708 v4.66.2515 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- Registry Session Pass Sync = 2 Only Allowed REMOVED: -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. REMOVED: -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
(1 file): DEFAULT: RESOLVED #2:> - Add2Agent 20150715 0934 v4.67.1515 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150714 1027 v4.67.1415 -- Relationship Event Logged Start And Stopped Moved To Full Logging Only..
(1 file): DEFAULT: RESOLVED:> - Add2Agent 20150716 1441 v4.67.1315 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Session Pass Sync 3 is an acceptable value when console loads, not to default it back to 2..
(1 file): DEFAULT: Maintain Relationships For Folder 1 Template FAILED As Unable To Get Login Address: Or Maintain Relationships For Folder 2 Template FAILED As Unable To Get Login Address: - Will now exit maintaining relationships for relationship manager..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Console's Detaching of Templates with No Clones Will No Process..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150708 1427 v4.67.0815 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
(3 files): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150707 1429 v4.67.0715 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
17.8.2149.507- Add2Agent 20150625 1525 v4.66.2515
-- Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationship for the Relationship passed by the Director. Attempt at multithreading
-- NOT ALLOWED Registry Session Pass Sync = 3
17.7.2143.500 RESOLVED:>
- Add2Agent 20150716 1441 v4.67.1315
-- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196
-- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationship for the Relationship passed by the Director.
-- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationships for the Relationship Type passed by the Director.
17.7.2140.497 - Console's Detaching of Templates with No Clones Will not Process.
#17.7.2141.1085 (2 changes).
(3 files): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150707 1429 v4.67.0715 -- Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196 -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 2, Add2Agent Will Run Each Relationshp for the Relationship passed by the Director. -- With Registry Session Pass Sync = 3, Add2Agent Will Run All Relationshps for the Relationship Type passed by the Director..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Redemption Distributable v5.9.0.4196.
Release #17.6.2134.1065 (4 changes).
(4 files): DEFAULT: - RGM Template From or To Private With Email Address Change Will Update. - RGM Template Alerted Will Resolve If Able To An Not Be In Alert. - Console GAL Include Radio Also As Pager Option in Relationship's Folder 2 Replace Field..
(3 files): DEFAULT: - GAL Copy of Exchange Address to Contact will remove email address 2 and 3 if at lease 2 or 3 additional email addresses have been added to the the exchange mailbox by utilizing the GAL Relationship field Folder2Permission = 0 (Off) or 1 (On).
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.66.1515 20150615 0903 -- Contact Reminders / Follow Up Are Excluded During Item Synchronization.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.66.1215 20150612 1408 -- Migrated SQL Selections Will be changing the 2 MAPI fields from relationship key specific, being user property fields, to PropSetID4 specific, which is 1 of the 7 Outlook property set IDs and the one we also use for Item and Copy fields. Tested at least 15 runs at 209 relationships and no error. Will make this into a release. -- Confidential Items Will be excluded always in select statement..
17.6.2130.487 Enhancement: - GAL Copy of Exchange Address to Contact will remove email address 2 and 3 if at least 2 or 3 additional email addresses have been added to the exchange mailbox by utilizing the GAL Relationship field Folder2Permission = 0 (Off) or 1 (On)
Release #17.5.2130.1057 (1 change). (3 files): DEFAULT: - Console Build and RGM Spin of Post or Notes Relationships Create Correct Folders. - Console Single Relationships Build do not show template options.
17.5.2127.484 - FIX Console Build and RGM Spin of Post or Notes Relationships Create Correct Folders.
- Console Single Relationships Build do not show template options.
Release #17.5.2129.1055 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.65.1215 20150512 1021 -- Contact's Display Name for Email 1 - 3 Resolved And Without Save Prompt.
#17.5.2128.1054 (2 changes).
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.65.1115 20150511 1249 -- Sent On Behalf Of Field Not Synchronized -- Sender Field Not Synchronized -- Message Copy Will Disregard Relationship's Parameter To Synchronize Reminders.
(3 files): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.65.0615 20150506 1250 -- Synchronization Force Source Update -- Contact Email 1 - 3 Original Synchronization Implemented.
Release #17.4.2126.1052 (4 changes).
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.2815 20150428 1206 -- Destination To Source Modifications Synchronized Resolved.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.2115 20150421 0926 -- Resolved Display As For Contacts' email addresses 1 through 3.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.1715 20150417 1135 -- Message Synchronization Copy, Reset, Save And Sync Will Not Message Details Upon EVENT FAILURE.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.1415 1131 -- Reversed Get Folder From ID Process Order From: 1. Session Get Mailbox Store or Public Folders Store Then Get Folder By Store By ID 2. Session Get Store By ID And Best Access Then Get Folder By Store By ID 3. Session Get Folder By ID And Store ID 4. Session Get Folder By ID.
#17.4.2126.1052 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.2815 20150428 1206 -- Destination To Source Modifications Synchronized Resolved.
#17.4.2125.1051 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.2115 20150421 0926 -- Resolved Display As For Contacts' email addresses 1 through 3.
17.4.2122.479 - Add2Agent v4.64.2115 20150421 0926
-- Resolved Display As For Contacts' email addresses 1 through 3
#17.4.2124.1050 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.1715 20150417 1135 -- Message Synchronization Copy, Reset, Save And Sync Will Not Message Details Upon EVENT FAILURE.
#17.4.2123.1049 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.64.1415 1131 -- Reversed Get Folder From ID Process Order From: 1. Session Get Mailbox Store or Public Folders Store Then Get Folder By Store By ID 2. Session Get Store By ID And Best Access Then Get Folder By Store By ID 3. Session Get Folder By ID And Store ID 4. Session Get Folder By ID.
Release: #17.4.2122.1048 (2 changes). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Maintain Relationships DUPLICATION ALERT Notification for Relationships Manager Resolved..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Maintain Relationships ADD ALERT Notification for Relationships Manager Resolved..
17.4.2119.476 - Maintain Relationships DUPLICATION ALERT Notification for Relationships Manager Resolved.
Release: #17.4.2120.1046 (1 change). (3 files): DEFAULT: - Since v17.3.2107.464's Group Membership Updates, GAL User(s) removed from distribution lists were no longer logically deleted when processing relationship manager's synchronization has been resolved..
17.4.2116.473 - Resolved "Maintain Relationships Error: 3021 Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record. At Line 2940"
Release #17.3.2118.1044 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.63.1815 1051 -- Recurring Calendar And Tasks Resoved Pattern Updates And Removals..
Release: #17.3.2117.1043 (3 changes). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Toolkit event log emailed FTP reference cleaned up..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.63.1215 1222 -- Delete Source or Delete Destination By Deleting Or Marking Deleted Resolved..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.63.0615 1344 -- Relationships Reset Completion --- RepairedByTool = DB4_PendingComplete --- Truncate Table A2E_UserProperties
17.3.2114.471 - Toolkit event log emailed FTP reference cleaned up.
#17.3.2116.1041 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.63.1215 1222 -- Delete Source or Delete Destination By Deleting Or Marking Deleted Resolved..
17.3.2112.469 - Add2Agent v4.63.0615 1344
-- Relationships Reset Completion
--- RepairedByTool = DB4_PendingComplete
--- Truncate Table A2E_UserProperties
#17.3.2114.1039 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.63.0515 1441 -- Get Database Entry And Not Get Database Entry For Full Logging Only Tracing..
Release #17.3.2110.1036
(11 changes), (1 file): DEFAULT: - Group Membership Updates To SQL Tables Resolved Building All Template(s)' Clone(s).
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Director Reset Without or With Backup Will Use Add2Agent -- Add2Agent v4.62.2515 20150227 0843 --- A2ESO Will Reset Without Backup --- A2ESO2 Will Reset With Backup.
(4 files): DEFAULT: - Toolkit Reset Without or With Backup Will Use Add2Agent -- Add2Agent v4.62.2515 20150227 0843 --- A2ESO Will Reset Without Backup --- A2ESO2 Will Reset With Backup.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent 20150225 0946 v4.62.2515 1152 -- Application globalization has been implemented to always utilize US Regional Cultural Settings..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - RGM Relationships Reload after fixing the below moved outside members loop to resolve full mesh building. -- RGM Update Group Memberships' Group ID Where Empty. -- RGM Update /O/OU Addresses To SMTP In Group Membership and Relationships Updated To Add More Updates..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - RGM Update Group Memberships' Group ID Where Empty. - RGM Update /O/OU Addresses To SMTP In Group Membership and Relationships Updated To Add More Updates..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Prior to getting DB settings, NULL default values in settings will be removed once established settings have been migrated to DB..
(2 files): DEFAULT: - Get Settings, Set Settings and Get Intervals have error handling added..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.62.1815 1004 -- Connection Mode registry key exists, value 0 (off) and 1 (on) for running extended Message Synchronization..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Class A2ESettings added error handling to Migrate Registry To DB, Migrate Backup and Test Migrate Entry..
17.3.2107.464 - Group Membership Updates To SQL Tables Resolved Building All Template(s)' Clone(s)
v17.2.2099.456 - Add2Agent v4.62.1815 1004
-- Connection Mode registry key exists, value 0 (off) and 1 (on) for running extended Message Synchronization.
#17.2.2100.1028 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Toolkit View Event Log -- Windows Services 20150211 0710 v1.26.1115 ---- FTP Event Log Text File (zip isn't available until .NET v4.5).
Release: #17.2.2099.1027 (4 changes).
DEFAULT: - Windows Services v1.26.1015.
DEFAULT: - Toolkit -- Allows sending to support@diditbetter.com the event log in text file format. - DLL .NET Reference: Windows Services 20150210 0818 -- Includes Open Event Log To Prompt For Company Name..
(1 file): DEFAULT: - Toolkit -- Allows viewing event log in text file format. - DLL .NET Reference: Windows Services 20150209 1412 -- Includes Open Event Log To Text File..
(2 files): DEFAULT: - GAL Synchronization will mark GAL Record Set Item as display type "3" when it is not able to obtain the Address Entry for the GAL Record Set Item which is needed for obtaining the Entry ID for processing and log such plus skip all synchronization processing for that GAL Record Set Item during that running..
17.2.2095.452 - Toolkit
-- Allows sending to support@diditbetter.com the event log in text file format.
- DLL .NET Reference: Windows Services 20150210 0818 -- Includes Open Event Log To Prompt For Company Name.
#17.2.2097.1026 (1 change). (1 file): DEFAULT: - Toolkit -- Allows viewing event log in text file format. - DLL .NET Reference: Windows Services 20150209 1412 -- Includes Open Event Log To Text File..
17.2.2092.449 - GAL Exclude New Members (Conflict Resolution = 1) Not Working Correctly.
17.2.2091.448 - GAL Manager Synchronization Validates Entry ID's Address Entry is obtained prior to processing distribution lists and distribution lists' members.
#17.2.2093.1022 (1 change). (2 files): - GAL Console will event log address entry that is not obtainable. - GAL Synchronization had 1 of the format distribution lists function call using and entry id and not the address entry as required..
17.2.2090.447 - GAL Console will event log address entry that is not obtainable.
- GAL Synchronization had 1 of the format distribution lists function call using and entry id and not the address entry as required.
#17.2.2092.1021 (1 change). (1 file): - GAL Manager Synchronization Validates Entry ID's Address Entry is obtained prior to processing..
#17.2.2091.1020 (3 changes). (1 file): - Console's Get GAL utilizes MAPI Table Select Statement then obtains address entry for entry ID.
(1 file): - Console's Get GAL utilizes items instead of address entries for loop progress..
(1 file): - Console's Get Gal will notify when not able to obtain the address entry for the item..
17.1.2083.439 - GAL Synchronization's Additional Validation And Corrected Session Regarding "GAL Manager Agent Synchronization Error: -2147024809 Error in IAddrBook.OpenEntry: MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER At Line 1380"
- GAL Manager's Agent Synchronization Corrected Session Regarding "MAPI_E_INVALID_PARAMETER"
#17.1.2080.1012 (6 changes).
(1 file): Add2Agent v4.61.1215 1239 -- Add2Agent Data Insert Error Resolved.
(2 files): - Add2Agent v4.61.0915 1247 -- Backups only destination folders on reset (start over acts like reset) and only does the backup if doesn't already exist. - RelMan -- Any SQL Query that detaches a template will log the informational message of the process being completed..
#17.1.2078.1009 - Console's start over, upon selecting OK to process, a prompt for processing with backup (A2ESO2) will be ask, if not, then set to A2ESO.
Add2Agent v4.61.0814 1312.
#16.12.2076.1008 (1 change). - Add2Agent v4.60.2314 1540 -- Success Audits Logged during normal logging. -- Includes Success Audits of recopy source due to synchronization failure..
#16.12.2076.1008 (1 change). - Add2Agent v4.60.2314 1540 -- Success Audits Logged during normal logging. -- Includes Success Audits of recopy source due to synchronization failure..
#16.12.2075.1007 (1 change). - Add2Agent v4.60.2214 1520 -- Distribution List's REDEMPTION’S AddMembers(Recipients) has been change to REDEMPTION’S OneOffMembers to resolve Error in IMAPISession::OpenEntry: MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND. -- Migrated user properties to database will not save items that are not copies during a message reset process.
16.12.2074.1006 Changes included (1 file): - Add2Agent v4.60.1814 0706.
(1 file): DEFAULT: - A2ESO2 Removed, A2ESO Defaulted..
16.12.2068.568 - GAL Synchronization -- Format Contact Failure will be event logged and excluded from future processing until manually included again via the console.
#16.12.2069.1001 spGetRelationships modified to Sort By LogicalDelete Desc, SyncLast Asc, Initiate Asc - View_A2E_Relationships_Working reverted back to no order by - Redemption Distributable v5.7.0.3872.
16.12.2069.1001 (1 change).
spGetRelationships modified to Sort By LogicalDelete Desc, SyncLast Asc, Initiate Asc - View_A2E_Relationships_Working reverted back to no order by - Redemption Distributable v5.7.0.3872.
16.12.2066.566 Working Relationships altered to process deleted 1st, then new and then old ones.
Mandatory upgrade: All installations using v16.12.2063.563 or greater should upgrade.
- spGetRelationships modified to Sort By LogicalDelete Desc, SyncLast Asc, Initiate Asc
- View_A2E_Relationships_Working reverted back to no order by
- Redemption Distributable v5.7.0.3872
#16.12.2068.1000 Redemption Distributable v5.7.0.3872 - Add2Agent v4.60.1014 -- Exchange 2013 Public Folder Requests Resolved. - Relationship Manager will not always update clones' initiated date.
#16.12.2068.1000 (1 file): DEFAULT: - Maintain Relationships Delete Clones By Members Null resolved.
#16.12.2064.998 (1 file): DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.59.2114 1531.
- Add2Agent v4.60.0514 1003 - -- RTF of Message Body Resolved
10/27/2014 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 16.10.2063.997
Mandatory upgrade - contains all beta release fixes and enhancements - Faster operation and more fault tolerant, fully Exchange 2013 compatible
Fix: Template Relationship Validation Functioning again as required, no alerting templates unnecessarily.
Fix: GAL Exchange 2013 will recognize a distribution list having another distribution list as a member, Exchange 2010 does not, which caused the error Exchange 2013 handling making a new distribution list contact with members that are distribution lists.
Enhancement: GAL Synchronization: New Fields Synchronized Are: Telephone Other (Assigned To Business 2) And Home Other (Assigned To Home 2).
Enhancement: Toolkit Config Start Over Stays Enabled During Go Processing of Named Properties.
Enhancement: Toolkit refreshes form when surgeon general "go" process is selected.
Enhancement: Session Handshaking is goes only from redemption to cdo when needed, no more vice versa.
Enhancement: Speed increase and large DAG support: Add2Agent v4.58.1514 1715 -- MAPI SQL Optimization -- Item Date/Time Difference Allow Better Handling Of Decimal Second(s) Values.
Enhancement: - Add2Agent v4.58.1414 1752 -- Relationship Process Difference is a registry value for seconds to allow for time variations for synchronization time difference between last modification and last synchronization.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.58.1414 1516 -- Synchronization Date Difference For Changes Modified To Be 1,000 Milliseconds or Greater. -- Synchronization Will Do Event Warnings For Source and/or Destination Changed Items Resulting In faster and more consistent Synchronization.
Enhancement: A2ESO Changed To A2ESO2 in toolkit.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager - Maintain Relationships (Clones) - Have To Create Folders For All Members In Case Member No Longer Selected.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.57.1014 1225 -- Master Tables Change Field 6 Size To Big Integer.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.57.0814 0829 -- Master Tables Integrity Constraint Update Record Count Query.
Enhancement: DEFAULT: Add2Agent v4.57.0814 0718 -- Master Tables Integrity Constraint Removed -- Master Tables Duplicates Removed After Import -- Master Tables Bulk Import for A2E and Record Set Import For A2O.
Enhancement: Service Removed Looking for Applications sending exit code as the EXEs do not having sending the exit code implemented.
Enhancement: Relationships that when you match them up to the templates table by a relationship’s key group to the template table’s template relationship ID but the relationship’s group membership does not match what the template table says it should be. I can add this to the RelMgr SQL housekeeping prior to maintaining relationships.
Enhancement: RelMgr Added Add Alert And Duplicate Alert ID Details.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager: Update Group Templates' Group Name Field's Size.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.56.0514 1248 -- AppProcesses not set to True to process all.
Enhancement: Relationship Group Manager -- Maintain Relationships --- Add Alert And Duplication Alert ---- ADDED BACK: Warns And Does Not Add Plus Change Initiate Date.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager -- Maintain Relationships --- Add Alert And Duplication Alert ---- REMOVED: Warns And Does Not Add Plus Change Initiate Date.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager -- Maintain Relationships --- Add Alert And Duplication Alert ---- Warns And Does Not Add Plus Change Initiate Date.
Fix: DEFAULT: - Maintain Relationships ADD ALERT Additional ID Details.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.56.0814 1224 -- Permissions Selection Failure Audit suppressed.
Enhancement: Speed increase: Add2Agent v4.56.0814 1230.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.56.2014 1158 -- Contains permission text changed to in to allow for no subjects and/or no body (HTMLBody).
Enhancement: New GAL Includes Everyone Except Distribution Lists And GAL Display Names starting with Non Alpha Characters.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.56.1914 1100 -- Folder 2 Permission Replace Body Added.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.56.2014 1614 -- Update Source Folders will process all items that were change since 01/01/1900, basically process all items, if set to true and will be set back to false once the director completely processes.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.56.0114 1409 -- ACL Query Permissions will note Entry ID of the failed user.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.56.0114 1204 -- Logically Deleted Relationship will allow the purging of user properties table to come back 0 for records purged as an acceptable parameter. –
Enhancement: Console will allow for re-entering password.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.56.0114 1036 -- Logging Start Stop Universalized.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.55.3114 1420 -- PR_ACCESS Allows 55 or 63 Values To Enable Favorites Access.
Enhancement: Console's Relationship Creation Advanced Parameters Click Selection Allow For Bad Data - Medium Permission With Special Character Which Is Low Permission Only.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.55.2914 1253 -- Application Relationships Process wasn't set.
Fix: Console's Relationship Creation Advanced Parameters Click Selection Resolved for Full, Medium and Low requirements.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.55.2914 0934 -- Resolved App Process False Setting. -- Added Email Address 1 To Distribution List GAL Sync.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.55.2814 1535 -- Stop Request Will Not Post Event Failures To Event Logging. -- Relationship Terminated Will Always Be Logged Event Like Start, Stop And Duration.
Fix: -- Resolved: SOURCE: Microsoft.VisualBasic MESSAGE: Public member 'Text' on type 'RDOMailClass' not found. DATA: System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal STACKTRACE: Add2Outlook.Relationship.vb:line 3860.
Fix: Relationship Manager' Maintain Relationship Will Create Clone's Folder For Only A Selected Member.
Enhancement: Add2Agent.exe stop request by seeing if Service is running and if not, set application process to false which will stop synchronization processing at processing check points. -- Better response than sending windows request from service but still slow when CPU performance is high.
Fix: FAILED TO GET Database Entry changed to Did Not Get Database Entry.
Fix: Resolved "The folder selected is not a Private Source Post Folder."
Enhancement: Faster Add2Agent v4.53.2214 included
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.1714 - Message Save Is Now A Function With Returned Results.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.1614 -- Unmatched and Duplicate Checks Always Processes.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.1314 -- Bidirectional Distribution Lists Synchronization Enabled. -- Synchronized From And To Messages Removed Using Parent Name (Folder Name) References. -- Double Check Message Class Exists And Is Correct Prior To Copying And Synchronizing.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.54.1115 - Caused SaveChanges: MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED, MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND and MAPI_E_OBJECT_CHANGED Errors -- Removed: rdemItemSyncTo.Fields(PropSetIDTag + PR_BODY.ToString) = rdemItemSyncFr.Fields(PropSetIDTag + PR_BODY.ToString).
Fix: Add2Agent v4.54.1014 - Open Store OPENSTORE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP Changed To OPENSTORE_OVERRIDE_HOME_MDB For EntryID Flag.
Enhancement: DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.54.0914.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.0614 1212.
Fix: Session Pass Sync 1: -- If Copy Procedure Fails And The Copied To Item Exists At The Error, The Item Will Be Deleted.
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.0514 1304 - Progress Indication To Event Log When Key Words Found Resolved (distinguish from item subjects).
Enhancement: Add2Agent v4.54.1914 -- Stop Request To Stop Processing When Service Is Not In Running Mode. Resolved: Add2Exchange AgentDirector Agent Scrub Error: 53 File not found At Line 2490. - A2ESO removed Phase 10 actual work per Request.
Enhancement: Start Over Skips Templates.
Enhancement: Remote SQL - Add2Agent v4.54.2014 -- DB Connection Using Instance With And Tries Again Without.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.55.0114 -- Handles No Subject In Calendar Item Occurrence.
Enhancement: Manually Reset Relationships via Director to Add2Agent with folder backup by setting repaired by tool to A2ESO2.
Enhancement : Add2Agent v4.54.3014 -- Additional Item Disposal Validations.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.55.0114 -- Handles No Subject In Calendar Item Occurrence.
Enhancement: - Manually Reset Relationships via Director to Add2Agent with folder backup by setting repaired by tool to A2ESO2.
Enhancement: DEFAULT: - Add2Agent v4.54.3014 -- Additional Item Disposal Validations.
Enhancement: Console's GAL's Exclude New Global Address Book Members and Exclude Distribution Lists.
Enhancement: Speed increase. Add2Agent v4.57.0814 0829 -- Master Tables Integrity Constraint Update Record Count Query.
Enhancement: Speed increase. Add2Agent v4.57.0814 0718 -- Master Tables Integrity Constraint Removed -- Master Tables Enhancement: Duplicates Removed After Import -- Master Tables Bulk Import for A2E and Record Set Import For A2O.
Fix: Add2Agent v4.54.3014 -- Additional Item Disposal Validations.
Fix: Updated Console's Build Tree Line 300 Error resumed on store log level 9 resolved for when an information store is not available as in an Exchange 2013 migration to public folders. “Batman and Robin issue”
Fix: Console's Build Tree Line 300 Error resumed on store log level 9 resolved for when an information store is not available.
Resolved: Validated Non Local SQL Server Database Creation Allowed And Completed. - If Registry Dictates Database Not Created And The Creation Procedure Finds It, It Will Drop The Database And Then Create From Scratch Which Will Resolve Incomplete Database Creation Issues.
Fix: No Local SQL Server Database Creation Allowed.
Fix: Setup Initialize References Moved From Modules To Setup Initialize Folder.
Fix: Setup And Setup Upgrade Projects Files And Folders Properties Cleaned Up.
Enhancement: Setup Initialize Will Now Process SQL Instances For Selected SQL Server.
Fix: Database Instance ID Stored In Registry And Utilized With Checking DB Server's SQL Services For A2E Database And If Found, Sets Database Instance ID To Found Instance.
Fix: - Database Instance ID Stored In Registry And Utilized.
Upgrade: - Windows Services Reference v1.03.2613.
Fix: Migration Is Deleting Registry Keys Under The Profile, Added DBInstance To The Do Not Delete List.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager Structured Auto Pop Text Resolved For Any Not Public To Public/Private Relationship.
Fix: Console's Relationship Group Manager Structured Auto Pop Text Resolved For Any Not Public To Public/Private Relationship.
Fix: Console's Relationship Group Manager Auto Pop Text Empty Value Resolved To Turned Off.
Fix: Service Removed User Name, Services Registry Description Moved To Actual Service Description.
Fix: Scanned For Profile # Registry Creations To Be Only In Setup Initialize And Service.
Fix: If DB Instance Is Not Nothing, Then Don't Loop Other Instances If Can't Log On Which Changes The DB Instance.
Fix: Not showing all members in GAL Exclude list: combined insert statements
Fix: Relationship Group Manager Will Delete Group Templates Where Template Relationship(s) That Don't Exist In the Relationships Table.
Fix: Console Clear All GAL Inclusions and Exclusions Resolved.
Enhancement: App Event Log Matches Logging Message.
Fix: Console's Relationship Group Manager Allow Alerted Templates To Be Deleted And Viewed In List Only and cleans up.
Enhancement: - Default Performance Level Changed To 2.
Enhancement: Entry Trash When True Will Result To False When Service Completed.
Fix: - At Director Conclusion, Force Deleted Reports Volume Emptied And Resets.
Enhancement: At Console Load, Force Deleted Is Always Set To Off.
Enhancement: SQL Configuration Installation Sets SQL Browser Service Startup Automatic.
Enhancement: Console's Relationship Group Manager Allow Alerted Templates To Be In Red And Disregard Any Other Setting Of ListBox Controls Color.
Enhancement: - Standard Converted To Enterprise Console Enhancements - RESOLVED Set True Installation Location via Setup Project For Full Installation.
Fix: Set True Installation Location via Setup Project. Get And Set True Installation Location Dynamically.
Enhancement: - Redemption Handles Default Item Type Synchronization (Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Posts and Tasks) - Resolved Attachments.
Fix: Console continues if DB Exists but Tables Don't.
Enhancement: - Synchronize Calendar Specific Fields via Redemption After CDO Calendar Synchronization Setup Has Processed.
Fix: CDO Copy Field(s) Cleaned.
Enhancement: Synchronization Calendar Message Error 9 Logging Added To Report Start and End Date of To/From Messages by setting prefix for log line item with *****.
Enhancement: Merge Synchronization, Synchronization Recipients and Synchronization User Properties into one function. - Removed Synchronization Contacts Reminder Sound Synchronization. Turn off Reminders.
Enhancement: For Contact Relationships During Synchronization Only, Set Reminder of the Relationship Will be set to False so Synchronization doesn't touch reminders.
Enhancement: Enterprise Upgrade Matches Full w/o SQL Installation programs.
Fix: Turned Off At Console Open Update Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing.
Fix: Turned Off At Director Completed: Update Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing.
Enhancement: Added Update Source Folders Console Setting And Synchronization Processing.
Fix: Added Update Source Folders Console Setting And Synchronization Processing - SQL Installation Directory Resolved.
Enhancement: Turned Off At Console Open Update all Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing.
Enhancement: Redemption v5.5.0.3218 - Removed Synchronization On Error Report It and Resume Next Line as it was in original CDO Synchronization.
Fix: Reverse Update in v15.6.1566.785 - GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Types 0 (User) and Display Types 1 (Distribution List) - GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Address Entries With Valid SMTP Address or Address.
Fix: Added additional Update Source Folders registry validation to synchronization to make sure no "hole" for calling functions/sub routines randomly.
Fix: Update Source Folders Console Option Is Processed On 1st Agent Call Of Non Templated And Non GAL Relationship And Is Turned Off Upon Successful Completion.
Correction Speed enhancement, reliability: Force Source Meta Data Update Upon Completed Item Synchronization And Source Change.
Fix: - Make sure distribution lists members are included for the actual distribution list item
Enhancement: Custom Form Support: Synchronization Updated Recipients And User Properties Processing
Fix: Unhandled Exception: Contacts EMail 1 EntryID, EMail 2 EntryID and EMail 3 EntryID fields Resolves Error: -2147024809 Could not convert variant to SPropValue.
Enhancement: Ability to set source items as master in Settings and turn Off At Console Open Update Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing
Enhancement: - Merge Synchronization, Synchronization Recipients and Synchronization User Properties into one function.
Enhancement: Removed Synchronization Contacts Reminder Sound Synchronization.
Enhancement: Change to Sync Method: Handles Default Item Type Synchronization (Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Posts and Tasks)
Fix: Resolved No Reminders For Contacts
Enhancement: License Address uniformed registry update.
Enhancement: Manual field match for Calendar Start And End Date.
Fix: AutoPop Remove Spaces When Initials Are Requested
Fix: RGM if no templates attached now unmanages members and dist lists
Enhancement: New option to allow first initial, middle initial and last initial in autopop
Enhancement: Clearer Error and exception messages in RGM
Enhancement: Added pivot folder in Export settings
Enhancement: Fixed SQL install for error message for prerequisites
Enhancement: First attempt at remote SQL install Error handling: Removed Synchronization On Error Report It and Resume Next Line as it was in original Synchronization Fix on Exception: Contacts EMail 1 EntryID, EMail 2 EntryID and EMail 3 EntryID fields Resolves Error: -2147024809 Could not convert variant to SPropValue
Enhancement: Convert Synchronization Updated Recipients And User Properties Processing
Enhancement: Added additional Update Source Folders registry validation to synchronization to make sure no "hole" for calling functions/sub routines randomly
Fix: GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Address Entries With Valid SMTP Address or Address
Fix: GAL Sync: Reverse Update in v15.6.1566.785 - GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Types 0 (User) and Display Types 1 (Distribution List)
Fix: Resolved Delete Clones Where Member(s) Do Not Exist
Enhancement: Update Source Folders Console Option Is Processed On 1st Agent Call Of Non Templated And Non GAL Relationship And Is Turned Off Upon Successful Completion
Fix: Change Service To Utilize DB Instance.
Enhancement: Service DB Connection Has Validation.
Enhancement: Database Connection Will Attempt Connection With Or Without Database Instance at 5 Second Timeout.
Fix: Logon Session Logoff and Cleared moved to the closure of the GAL Manager Class.
Enhancement: Relationship Manager - Additional RDO To CDO Session Transitions Required in order to clean CDO's MMP Files.
Fix: Removed Subject = “Tim Domingues” Test for custom fields
Fix: Update MetaData thinking it was creating MetaData by inserting records has been resolved.
Fix: Create and Update MetaData for Synchronization error handled by reconnecting and level 9 logging.
Enhancement: Transaction Begin/Commit/Rollback error handled. - If SQL Transaction Has Begun and is dormant, connection will be reset and allow another transaction to begin. - Set MetaData for Synchronization error handled.
Enhancement: Synchronize Failure = True Event Log Notations With Line #s.
Fix: During Agent Initialization, Check User Properties Table For Subject Length >= 300 Then Alter If Not.
Fix: Redemption Reference from DevLimitedAccess\Universal References Fixed.
Redemption Logon Check For Password Is Set And Don't Use Blank To Logon, Else Use Mailbox Name And Server To Logon.
Enhancement: Force Agent, Director, GAL and RelMan Classes To Terminate To Help Close EXE.
Enhancement: Console's Sanity Check Resolved. - Setup Initialize will list Domain Controllers by unique name that are not already listed in the machine list for Exchange Servers.
Fix: Reverting Back To Redemption Distributable v5.5.0.3218 From The Latest v5.5.0.3436 Due To MAPITable.execSQL Statement Field "As" Issues.
Fix: Confirm Session Closures.
Enhancement: Added reading of the "Performance Sleep" value To Director in order to utilize the real value in director processing.
Enhancement: Exchange 2013 Support
Fix: Agent Synchronization With Sporadic E_MAPI Failure resolved.
Fix: Resolve Dormant MMP Sessions For Agent Synchronization.
Fix: Synchronization Message Copy Changed Back To RDO And Not CDO.
Enhancement: Add2Exchange Exchange Server List Double Click Selection Resolved Selection Empty - Add2Exchange SQL Server List Double Click Selection Resolved Selection Empty.
Enhancement: Close Sessions At Class/Form Termination Will Clean Windows Temporary MMP Files.
Fix: Session Pass Option Profile If Nothing Then Pass Resolved.
Enhancement: Session Pass Option for faster sync.
Fix: Relationship Manager's Session's Terminated Cleanup.
Fix: MAPIObject Globally Cleaned Up.
Fix: Director Close Sessions.
Fix: Calendar Synchronization No Issue With Date/Time Shirt, But Added Start & End Fields In Addition To CDO Fields Synchronization. - Confirmed Attachments Synchronize, No Change.
Fix: Resolved Synchronization For Private To Privates Copying Then Deleting.
Enhancement: Exchange 2013 SMTP Address Logon Getting Stores Had To Be Updated Resolved for user migration to Exchange 2013.
Enhancement: Added Level 9 Logging To Director's Main Sub Routine.
Fix: Relationship Group Manager's Clone Will Mark Alerted And Logically Deleted With Leaving Destination Items Plus Append To Alert Message Noting That Clone's Destination Folder Is No Longer Available. - This Will Allow For Another Destination Folder To Be Created For The Clone And Create A New Relationship Based On That.
Enhancement: Added a @@@ on the confidential replacement option trigger for Relationship Advanced Selection and Relationship Wizard Selection and logic behind it.
Enhancement: Exchange 2013 - Service Account Password Encrypt/Decrypt Resolved.
Enhancement: RDO Logon Declaration Added Validation Of Private And/or Private Stores. - Console Will Ask If User Wants To Change Logon Information If Service Account's Address Comes Back As 'UNKNOWN'.
Enhancement: - Exchange 2013's Session Is Logged On And States Service Account's Address Is 'UNKNOWN' exactly, password will be prompted to be resolved as credentials are incorrect to log on fully to get 2013 Information Stores.
Enhancement: - Fix Cosmetic RGM's Clone's Folder Path Instead Of using session's user + path.
Fix: Confirmed License Request Gets Sent and Left In Sent Items. - Changed Switch Message Object Logging To Level 9.
Fix: Switch Message Object Logging Resolved.
Fix: Build Tree Error if no public folders in 2013: -2147467259 [Collaboration Data Objects - [E_FAIL(80004005)]] At Line 210.
Fix: Resolved GAL Synchronization Error in IMAPISession.OpenMsgStore: 0x80040204.
Fix: Changed Switch Message Object Was A D And Will Not Create For Message to Switch Message Object Was A Destination Item And Will Not Create For Message.
Enhancement: Error Handle Logging for Message Object Functions Create, Load, Purge and Switch.
Enhancement: Synchronization Get Existing Message To Be Only By Entry ID, Don't Use Optional Store ID.
Enhancement: Director No Long Has Session Required.
Enhancement: Update Meta Data Has DB Connection Test and Reconnect Like Create Meta Data.
Fix: Switch Message Object Not In Create Mode But Source Item Needs To Exit Function called Later With Creation Mode Turned On.
Enhancement: Creation of Message Meta Data Will Attempt To Purge The Data If Loading It Is Found With A Warning Of Finding Data, But Failure If It Can't Purge Prior To Creating Because Of Already Finding It.
Enhancement: Creation of Message Meta Data Will Attempt To Purge The Data If Loading It Is Found With A Warning Of Finding Data, But Failure If It Can't Purge Prior To Creating Because Of Already Finding It.
Enhancement: Switch Message Object Destination Warning Removed.
Enhancement: Switch Message Object will log events of warnings and errors as they were only level 9 events prior. - Start Meta Data message object moved back an additional level to just use ID.
Enhancement: Console's folder selection for a user has the same store ID as service account, it will not list the service account's store's folder selection twice but display a message box that the selected user's folders are not available.
Enhancement: CDO Logon Will Not Failure To Get Default Folders When Attempting To Set Session Will Not As Warning.
Enhancement: - Exchange 2013 - Create, Save And Switch Message Object Used Message ID And No Longer Actual CDO Message.
Fix:- Create Message Temporary ID For User Properties Added Unique HEX Key.
Fix: - GAL Exclusions Name Field To 600. - User Properties Message Subject Field To 600. User Properties Message Subject Field To 600.
Enhancement: Command Prompt Level Debugging. Get application installed path if available instead of using application path first.
Enhancement: Update Synchronize Copy Message Function To Give More Error Logging.
Fix: Removed Session Pass To Synchronize Copy Message Relationship Function Due To E_Fail Errors on some systems.
Fix: Resolves Exchange 2013 Failures To Process Synchronization Of Source And Destination Messages.
Fix: Help Solve: License Ok Click Error: 457 This key is already associated with an element of this collection At Line 570.
Fix: - Relationship Manager get user's shared mailbox by direct, if fails, then by permissions, in order to get store for clones which may require folders to be made.
Fix: - Relationship Manager get user's shared mailbox by direct, if fails, then by permissions, in order to get store for clones which may require folders to be made.
Fix: - Relationship Manager will fail to spin off a clone when any of the following fail: - Relationship Manager will continue to get user's shared mailbox and CPU will run at 0% allocation when waiting for completion of request. - Relationship Manager will continue to get user's shared mailbox root folder and CPU will run at 0% allocation when waiting for completion of request. - Relationship Manager will continue to get user's shared mailbox root folder folders and CPU will run at 0% allocation when waiting for completion of request.
Fix: Director Scrub Get Relationships should be type bit 0 in order to get all relationships required to scrub.
Enhancement: Console's Recordset To Object function logging moved to level 9 debugging only as there was no logging prior plus ignored results.
Fix: Setup Initialize will open and/or create registry keys with writing permission where necessary.
Enhancement: Setup Initialize will for all platforms and configurations will default to x86 and .NET v2 or higher.
Fix: - Setup Initialize will Request Execution Level To Require Administrator with UI Access Set To False.
Enhancement: Setup and Upgrade using .NET 3.5 Validation. –
Fix: Resolved Format Distribution List Member Error: -2147220988 Error in IMAPISession.OpenMsgStore: 0x80040204 At Line 110.
Enhancement: - Removed File SQLEXPR x64.exe.
Fix: CONFIRMED: Console Database SQL Instance Will Read Registry To Re-Confirm A2ESQLSERVER Instance Is Not Already Installed and Always Use 32 Bit.
Fix: Console Database SQL Instance Will Read Registry To Re-Confirm A2ESQLSERVER Instance Is Not Already Installed and will use 32 or 64 bit installation.
Enhancement: Console will use a login information confirmation form to update information on failed login.
Enhancement: Console Database SQL Instance Will Read Registry To Re-Confirm A2ESQLSERVER Instance Is Not Already Installed and Always Use 32 Bit.
Enhancement: After No GAL Members for Distribution Group will logically delete clones, the group will be removed from the table.
Fix: No GAL Members for Distribution Group will logically delete clones.
Fix: Relationship Setup Wizard Cleaned Up.
Fix: Add2Agent 20140415 1214: 1. Decrypt 2013 User Password Resolved For Logon Sessions.
Fix:- Sync Session Pass will leave manual setting of 2 upon console load. - Director handles corrected command line arguments format for Add2Agent.
Fix: Add2Agent Now Installs Correctly For Setup And Upgrades.
Fix: Add2Agent Added to Installations To Test Installs.
Enhancement: Generic Folder List Building Tree no longer uses CDO.
Fix: Exchange 2013 - Fix setup registration of Windows services validation. - Not Utilizing And Not Installing New Agent Which Is Session Pass Sync = 2. - Removed All CDO Infostores Count verification in Console.
Fix: Fix setup registration of windows services validation.
Enhancement: Add2Agent added to process relationship types 0-3 (Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks) for synchronization.
Enhancement: Add2Agent added to process relationship types 0-3 (Mail, Calendar, Contacts and Tasks) for synchronization.
Fix: Resolved "There was an issue creating the destination folder's template, please contact technical support for assistance." Template Creation.
11/01/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.11.1750.698
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
This build is Faster, more stable and more fault tolerant and has the following changes:
This build is Faster, more stable and more fault tolerant and has the following changes:
- Change Service To Utilize DB Instance for remote or local operation of SQL
- Service DB Connection Has Validation for remote or local operation of SQL
- Database Connection Will Attempt Connection With Or Without Database Instance at 5 Second Timeout.
- Calendar Reoccurring Synchronization Resolved
- Calendar Reoccurring Synchronization Resolved for all day events.
- Calendar Reoccurring Synchronization will resume after noting failure to get an item's ID to later synchronize.
- Agent Synchronization of failing to get calendar occurrence or Synchronization of A Field Failure will only log in fully logging enabled, no more warnings.
- Transaction Begin/Commit/Rollback error handled.
Transaction Begin/Commit/Rollback error handled. - If SQL Transaction Has Begun and is dormant, connection will be reset and allow another transaction to begin.
- Set MetaData for Synchronization error handled. If SQL Transaction Has Begun and is dormant, connection will be reset and allow another transaction to begin.
Synchronize Failure = True Event Log Notations With Line #s..
During Agent Initialization, Check User Properties Table For Subject Length >= 300 Then Alter If Not.
- Console's Sanity Check Resolved.
- Force Agent, Director, GAL and RelMan Classes To Terminate To Help Close EXE.
Fault Tolerance: Redemption Logon Check For Password Is Set And Don't Use Blank To Logon, Else Use Mailbox Name And Server To Logon..
- Console Relationship Group Manager's Wizard was displaying Sync Days To And From For Relationships other than Calendars and Tasks (core functionality).
- Shelled EXEs will not use NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS but will use REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS as the only one that doesn't stick at 100%.
- Added new Redemption Distributable v5.5.0.3498
Resolved: A2ESP Synchronize Failure For Catalog Success Sync At 20..
Installation: Add2Exchange Exchange Server List Selection Resolved A Selection Without Version # Making Selection Empty, - Setup Initialize will list Domain Controllers by unique name that are not already listed in the machine list for Exchange Servers. - DB Creation Path Resolved From Installation Directory
- Add2Exchange SQL Server List Selection Resolved A Selection Without Version # Making Selection Empty
- Close Sessions At Class/Form Termination Will Clean HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows Messaging Subsystem\Profiles"
- Session Pass Option Profile Default Resolved.
- Session Pass Option Profile If Nothing Then Pass Resolved.
- Close Sessions At Class/Form Termination Will Clean Windows Temporary MMP Files.
Resolved: Dormant MMP Sessions For Agent Synchronization
Exchange Communication Protocol: 2 Service Accounts because of base CDO functions passing off to RDO to do some functions.
Agent has three sessions at a time: 2 Sessions per Source folder and per Destination folder is the passing of relationship validation to synchronization in CDO only.
1 Session will come up for each item synchronized.
Confirmed that all MMP files close upon completion of that relationship it’s working on.
- MAPIObject Globally Cleaned Up.
- Relationship Manager's Session's Terminated.
- Calendar Synchronization No Issue With Date/Time Start/End, But Added Start & End Fields In Addition To CDO Fields Synchronization.
- Confirmation Attachments Synchronize, No Change.
- Generic Folder Picker Uses RDO As Main Session.
- Resolved: Synchronization From Source Folder Message .... Error: 91 Object variable or With block variable not set At Line 70
- Generic Folder Picker Uses RDO As Main Session. (3 - Allow Create Folders)
- Service Account's Password Input Masked And Prompted With Option To Change When The Logon Fails.
- Calendar Synchronization Takes Into Account Global Reoccurring Date Start Settings No duplicates
Synchronize Item Type Processing Threshold Then Reset Source And Destination Sessions By Validating Relationship Again..
Allow for multiple categories that may include Holiday for Calendars.
Relationship Manager - Additional RDO To CDO Session Transitions Required in order to clean CDO's MMP Files.
- Set MetaData for Synchronization error handled. MetaData thinking it was creating MetaData by inserting records has been resolved. Create and Update MetaData for Synchronization error handled by reconnecting and level 9 logging.
- If SQL Transaction Has Begun and is dormant, connection will be reset and allow another transaction to begin.
Appointment Reoccurrence Skip Private removed from getting recurrences.
- Relationship Group Manager's Check For Relationship Duplication Has Removed Store ID Validation.
- Logon Session Logoff and Cleared moved to the closure of the GAL Manager Class.
07/25/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.7.1611.645.exe
Correction Speed enhancement, reliability: Force Source Meta Data Update Upon Completed Item Synchronization And Source Change.
Fix: - Make sure distribution lists members are included for the actual distribution list item
Enhancement: Custom Form Support: Synchronization Updated Recipients And User Properties Processing
Fix: Unhandled Exception: Contacts EMail 1 EntryID, EMail 2 EntryID and EMail 3 EntryID fields Resolves Error: -2147024809 Could not convert variant to SPropValue..
Enhancement: Ability to set source items as master in Settings and turn Off At Console Open Update Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing
Enhancement: - Merge Synchronization, Synchronization Recipients and Synchronization User Properties into one function.
Enhancement: Removed Synchronization Contacts Reminder Sound Synchronization.
Enhancement: Change to Sync Method: Handles Default Item Type Synchronization (Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Posts and Tasks)
Fix: Resolved No Reminders For Contacts
Enhancement: License Address uniformed registry update.
Enhancement: Manual field match for Calendar Start And End Date.
Fix: AutoPop Remove Spaces When Initials Are Requested
Fix: RGM if no templates attached now unmanages members and dist lists
Enhancement: New option to allow first initial, middle initial and last initial in autopop
Enhancement: Clearer Error and exception messages in RGM
Enhancement: Added pivot folder in Export settings
Enhancement: Fixed SQL install for error message for prerequisites
Enhancement: First attempt at remote SQL install Error handling: Removed Synchronization On Error Report It and Resume Next Line as it was in original Synchronization Fix on Exception: Contacts EMail 1 EntryID, EMail 2 EntryID and EMail 3 EntryID fields Resolves Error: -2147024809 Could not convert variant to SPropValue
Enhancement: Convert Synchronization Updated Recipients And User Properties Processing
Enhancement: Added additional Update Source Folders registry validation to synchronization to make sure no "hole" for calling functions/sub routines randomly
Fix: GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Address Entries With Valid SMTP Address or Address
Fix: GAL Sync: Reverse Update in v15.6.1566.785 - GAL Functions Utilizes Only Display Types 0 (User) and Display Types 1 (Distribution List)
Fix: Resolved Delete Clones Where Member(s) Do Not Exist
Enhancement: Update Source Folders Console Option Is Processed On 1st Agent Call Of Non Templated And Non GAL Relationship And Is Turned Off Upon Successful Completion
06/25/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.6.1605.639.exe
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Enhancement - Merge Synchronization, Synchronization Recipients and Synchronization User Properties into one function.
Removed - Synchronization Contacts Reminder Sound Synchronization.
Enhancement - Redemption Handles Default Item Type Synchronization (Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Posts and Tasks)
Resolved - No Reminders For Contacts
Resolved - Synchronization Updated Recipients And User Properties Processing
Enhancement – Add new option to force source items to be updated and be able to turn Off At Console Open the new switch to Update Source Folders Messages During Synchronization Processing
Enhancement - Merge Synchronization, Synchronization Recipients and Synchronization User Properties into one function.
Enhancement – Sync now Handles Default Item Type Synchronization (Calendar, Contacts, Notes, Posts and Tasks)
Enhancement - License Address uniformed registry update.
Fix - Manual field match for Calendar Start And End Date.
Enhancement - - AutoPop Remove Spaces When Initials Are Requested.
Enhancement - License Address uniformed registry update.
Fix - Manual field match for Calendar Start And End Date.
Enhancement - If a dist list Is not attached to a template – we will unmanage the dist list and clean up the tables
Made better logging such as “Maintain Relationships did not find any Templates attached to the distribution group and will unmanage the list”
Enhancement - Autopop added logic to remove the space between initials when using “FILI”
Enhancement - Made autopop dynamic when source item changed
Fix Error: -2147024809 Could not convert variant to SPropValue At Line 3730 with new Communication protocol version
Redemption v5.5.0.3218 - Removed Synchronization On Error Report It and Resume Next Line as it was in original CDO Synchronization.
05/07/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.5.1540.596
Enhancement: Synchronization Move And Copy Logging And Error Logging Cleaned Up.
Enhancement: Function Check Performance Setting Utilizes Database Instead Of Registry And Will Set DB Default To 6 If Setting Does Not Exist.
Bug Fix: Relationship Group Manager Will Update Relationships With Group Entry ID Where Group Membership Is SMTP Address In Addition To Already Address (/O/OU...) And Group ID. - Console Had Additional References To The Old Relationship Group Manager Form Which, If Opened Would be utilized, and would fillet Update Relationship Group Manager Data In All Tables.
Enhancement: To avoid long delays in opening RGM, Relationship Tree View Edit Or Relationship Double Click Use Same Function
Fix: GAL Synchronization Refresh Fixed To Update All Existing Since 01/01/1900 Modification.
Enhancement: Updated communication protocol to fix Custom Forms.
User Request - rdemContactItem.Fields(PropSetIDTag & CStr(PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER)) = rdemAddressEntry.Fields(PropSetIDTag & CStr(PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER)) - rdemContactItem.Fields(PropSetIDTag & CStr(PR_RADIO_TELEPHONE_NUMBER)) = rdemAddressEntry.Fields(PropSetIDTag & CStr(PR_PAGER_TELEPHONE_NUMBER)).
Enhancement: User Properties Synchronization Updated With Folders.
Enhancement: Refresh Console's Relationship Group Manager Updates to Please Wait.
Enhancement: Refresh Console's GAL Manager Updates to Please Wait.
Housekeeping: Console's Relationship Group Manager Updates to Please Wait Will Be Logged During Level 9 Logging If Log File Exists. - Console's GAL Manager Updates to Please Wait Will Be Logged During Level 9 Logging If Log File Exists.
Bug Fix: User Properties Line 110 Error Resolved.
Bug Fix: Setup DB Error Logged At Line 60.
Enhancement: Setup DB Error Logging Added.
Enhancement: In our continuing attempts to allow for remote SQL:
Database Tables Exists is based on SQL's Schema For Base Table(s) >= 9
Database Tables Exists is based on SQL's Schema For Settings Table OR User Properties.
Database Exists is based on SQL's Schema And Not File Exists. - Database Tables Exists is based on SQL's Schema For Settings Table
Set Default SQL Instance If The Selected SQL Server Has No Accessible Instances Or Can't Log On To Instance
Set Default SQL Instance If The Selected SQL Server Has No Accessible Instances.
Bug Resolved: Format Distribution List Error: 13 Type mismatch At Line 90.
Housekeeping: Alpha Build To Beta Build Failure.
Fix Build process' putting version numbering in instead of leaving default 9's.
Fix: GAL Synchronization Governor Resolved In Console and Implemented in Synchronization and declared but not used in projects that have the utility module.
Enhancement: Setup Initialize Default Performance Registry Key To 6 String Value.
All Projects Converted Getting Folder To RDO Folder Passed Back To CDO.
04/04/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.4.1493.564
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Resolved: - License Removal Was Not Updating License Status after Removal and will refresh Relationships List.
Resolved: Remove License from Database Error: 13 Type mismatch At Line 40
Resolved: Create Database Error: -2147217900 CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5(Access is denied.) while attempting to open or create the physical file 'C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenDoor Software®\Add2Exchange\Database'. At Line 200
Resolved: Maintain Relationship Failure To Get Login Address Will Attempt To Unselect Group Member And Log That Event.
Resolved: Initialize Error.
Enhancement: Can use remote SQL instance
Enhancement: Database Instance ID Stored In Registry and Utilized
Enhancement: No Local SQL Server Database Creation Allowed if already there.
Enhancement: Validated Not Local SQL Server Database Creation Allowed And Completed.
Enhancement: If Registry Dictates Database Not Created And The Creation Procedure Finds It, It Will Drop The Database And Then Create From Scratch Which Will Resolve Incomplete Database Creation Issues.
Enhancement: ONLY IF the Connection Says the Database Is NOT THERE, and then If Registry Dictates Database Not Created and the Creation Procedure Finds It, It Will Drop the Database and Then Create From Scratch Which Will Resolve Incomplete Database Creation Issues
Enhancement: A Registry Check If SQL Server Is Installed May Not Be A Full Installation Of The Server, Verify There's Instances And If Not, Install Our Base Instance.
Enhancement: If Microsoft Exchange Service's Actual Service Can NOT Be Accessed, Then Settings To Skip That Validation Will Be Turned On And Will Only Try To Logon Without Service Validation.
03/19/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.3.1469.549
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Enhancement: Console's RGM's Group Membership Loads Faster without extra validation.
Enhancement: New GAL Synchronization Will Exclude All GAL Entries Upon Initialization Of GAL.
Enhancement: Console's Export Setup Includes Alert Status
Enhancement: Event Log was improved to allow Search on Support site for relevant issue
Enhancement: A2E Toolkit's Purge Relationship History With Shrinking Database Updated.
Enhancement: Relationship Group Manager's Synchronization Maintain Relationships function now Considers and NAGS in Event log If Other Groups Has similar template attached with same Members Being Process, even if they are not selected to enable Distribution list clean up and avoid trying and erroring to make duplicate relationship.
Improvement: Added more Logging to Licensing Form.
Resolved: Attach Template Error: 3704 Operation is not allowed when the object is closed. At Line 260
Resolved: Removing Hidden GAL Members removes Gal Cache contact.
Resolved: Console's Services Defaults To Intervals Tab.
Resolved with No RGM Relationships, a new RGM Relationship will not refresh list after we resolved the edit factor for not confirming relationships licensed.
Resolved- With No RGM Relationships, a new RGM Relationship will now refresh list, but the relationships aren’t updated in the collection in order to find the relationship to immediately edit it.
Resolved: Increased All Group Name Fields to 500 characters.
Resolved: Didibetter.com License Remove Click Error: 13 Type mismatch At Line 60
Resolved: RGM Console will not license validate nag incorrectly for edits when relationship license is reached.
Resolved: Relationships Not Licensed and Not in Trial but Was Started Prior, like a server migration, will be listed again under the Alert Nodes in the Console.
Resolved: Backward Compatibility issue: Console's Relationship Group Manager and Relationship Group Manager Synchronization will Remove Duplicate Groups, Group Templates and Group Membership leaving the 1st (Oldest) Value.
Resolved: Agent Synchronization De-Replication was returning a Recordset of the SQL Requested Structure and Not Actual Data Records.
Resolved: Relationship Edit or New Wizard would return and "Error 5" when the user cancels their changes, for which the console's RGM would report the error but actually RGM actually have an error - Wizard returning to form will clear error before continuing
Resolved: SQL Calls - Cleaned Up Functions.
Resolved: Empty Trash Will Empty For Even Non Validated Relationships That Are In Alert And Will Log Event.
01/11/2013 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 15.1.1386.491
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Completely redid again the Relationship Group Manager
Clones Alerted Mailbox Logged Name And Clone Nameke-
>Fix and Added Error Handling To Format Contact Item For GAL Sync..
Added new options: - GAL Relationship Console And Synchronization
1. Auto Exclude New Members from GAL if added
2. Auto Exclude New Distribution Lists
3. Include Distribution List Members even if excluded
Export Setup Drop Down Definitions are back
GAL Sync: Don't Update A Distribution List Members That Has No Members
Fix: Update Folder 1 or Folder 2 Mailboxes with "'" in SMTP Address
GAL Synchronization was sometimes unresponsive on select environments
GAL Agent Synchronization Added More Level 9 Log Details
Fix: Console GAL Synchronization Form Load GAL Only For Tab 2 (Exclusions) table - fixes abnormal UI behavior
Enhancement: Latest SQL 2008 on install
Don't need the start SQL (A2ESQLSERVER) as the A2E Service Account, can be local system now
Fix: Option Explicit On, Execute SQL Statement(s) Declared The Statement As String Will Fail, Made Variable Undeclared
GAL Relationship Distribution List Members - UPDATED
GAL Relationship Console Load Fully Of GAL via Recordset and Not For/Next Scrapped
Better logging for RELMAN failures for spin of relationships - now tell us which account has failure to log on
Stopped Service not stopping GAL or RELMAN
12/01/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.11.1376.480
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Faster Console Load - skips validation on A2E Console open
Completely redid the Relationship Group Manager
Completely redid the GAL Sync
Fixed RELMAN spin of duplicate relationships
Console Service Utility Interval Endless Loop Of 59 Minutes Resolved.
Console Service Utility Frame Order was fixed
Fix: GAL Sync Email Address Exchange Entry ID Is Needed For Email Address To Come Up With GAL Entry When Selected -- Can Not Change Display Name For Email Address As Exchange Dictates And If Set, Switches To SMTP, Not GAL..
Fix: Relationship Synchronization Of Logical Deleted Relationship was skipping Saving of Relationship
Fix: Services were not stopping when Console was opened - Service Sending Window Stop Commands To All EXEs Currently Processing.
Fix: Licensing Contact Information In Registry Resolved.
Fix: Product Sub Key States Profile Prior To Setting Profile.
Housekeeping: Remove And Upgrade ActiveX Controls Project Properties And Default Builds.
Enhancement: Default now installs SQL 2008 Express Without SMS x64 and x32 and can potentially run SQL remotely
Fix: Relationship Validation was called at times without setting the relationship prior causing failure in synchronization, too Many Calls Without Checking If True At Times.
Enhancement: GAL Sync User's Middle Initials Empty Test.
Enhancement GAL Sync Street Address
Fix and Added Error Handling To Format Contact Item For GAL Sync..
Add WMI Reference and Windows Service Class..
10/10/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.10.1324.459
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Had issue with Private to Private RGM templates, one to many had issue - fixed
Faster Console Load
- RGM Synchronization Does Maintenance Prior To Maintaining Relationships
- RGM Synchronization Does Not Restore Logically Deleted Clones Nor Skips Killed Clones To Where Now Saves The Newly Created Clone
- RGM Synchronization Will Save Templates Validation.
- RGM Synchronization Will Not Maintain Clones, New or Edit, if Template Is Alerted
- RGM Synchronization Create 1 to ~ and ~ to 1 Clones Nullified the 1's To Membership Resulting In Not Saving Newly Made Clone
- RGM Template Logically Deleted To Killed Plus Logically Delete Clones was losing Recordset Connection
GAL Sync: Radio Phone Number now = Pager Phone Number for Sprint Nextel phones
Known issue: RELMAN will spin of duplicate relationships
09/07/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.9.1290.437
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Had issue with Private to Private RGM template, one to many had issue while picking pivot - fixed
Execute SQL Functions Error Logging
Execute SQL Update Set Command Type
Address Book Resolve Name Fault Setting
Validation of groups failed to get GAL in order to update members.
Template Attachment Click Disabled for Non Group Selected to avoid selecting [select or Pick] as a dist group
Updated historical GAL Members Relationship Table Folder 1 or 2 Mailbox With SMTP Address By Store Match For Relationship Manager Processing Only
Maintain Relationship Template Will Validate Mailbox Login Plus Address For the Templated Side(s) Of The Relationship - for backward compatibility
Known issue: A2E Console loads really slowly. Now that the relationship load module is working as it was designed, it isn't necessarily faster, just not silently consuming errors and is therefore more consistent. We are working on this speed issue. Also the Recovery and Migration Manager load is affected on load and is slower.
08/31/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.8.1281.430
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Enhancement: On duplicate template relationship going to a different group: Better handling of descriptive naming also, edit the duplicate RGM Relationship Template without having to put a description in every time you edit it and put a green entry field to direct user to continue and be able to finish the template create.
Enhancement: If no Templates exist, Relman will not run even if turned on.
Functionality fix: Synchronize failure now also takes into account the updating the source message failure for better transaction rollbacks. Resolving SMF sanitize DB issues.
Functionality fix: Private to Private Template pivot folder picker or creator resolved.
Functionality fix: Relationship Manager Get Login Address failure resolved and we cleaned the entire Procedure.
Functionality fix: We RE-fixed the last fix for Error loading relationships. Load DB Relationships Recordset now returns Correctly with Client Cursor declared.
System to maintain relationships was not loading all rels. and if it did, and encountered an error, it would try to save the relationship twice causing a rel conflict. Resolved
Functionality fix: Relationship Wizard Form 2 was Explicit turned ON And Objects Declared plus other options were included. Entire routine cleaned.
More logging for Relman and SP processing to include other abnormal conditions encountered, attempting to enable more forward/backward and coexistance for Exchange Compatibility.
Better resolution of Distribution lists and better logging of results on failure. Automatically puts relationship in alert if fails in Relman, as opposed to only the Sync for faster resolution.
Fixed Relman to not allow dup spin off rels to enable better backward and forward compatibility.
Known issue: A2E Console loads really slowly. Now that the relationship load module is working as it was designed, it isn't necessarily faster, just not silently consuming errors and is therefore more consistent. We are working on this speed issue. Also the Recovery and Migration Manager load is affected on load and is slower.
07/24/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.8.1234.475
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Functionality Fix: Error loading relationships. Console would appear blank due to sql statement format change. Fixed
Enhanced logging on Setup Wizard for Console processing any errors.
Resolved Distribution list hidden members and logged results.
Changed Console to deal with languages other than English versions of Exchange.
Known issue: Relman has groupmember issue and will allow dups
07/24/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Release: 14.7.1125.404
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
Functionality Fix: Revised Relman program to in all cases add and remove new relationships from Distribution list changes to members. Upgrade to this build if adding or removing users from Distribution list attached to a Relationship Group Manager Template does not make or remove a relationship.
05/07/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.5.1171.388
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
UI: Stopped Flashing when A2E Console opens. Small pesky fixes:
UI: Naming of templates are now readable
UI: Clone Naming follow readable format, no more \o\ou
Functionality: Detaching a full mesh template will no longer leave orphans - (Tip, you may have to run Del orphan rels from A2E Toolkit during a level 2 becaue they may have detached them in the past and left them there – it will logically delete all of those template clones now and will remake after 2 sync cycles. This enhancement makes it a mandatory upgrade.
UI: It refreshes the console screen after making changes within RGM, so they show deleted, etc.
Messages: Fixed a wrong message in making a relationship picking the Folder List when No Information Store Available: Old wrong message was “No folders of this type are available for relationships” when in fact we had trouble talking to the stores.
05/07/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.5.1121.490 Released
Mandatory upgrade, contains all fixes of recent betas (below in Prior Release Notes) in a released package. Use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has all beta fixes below.
04/26/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.5.1127.385 Beta
Recommended upgrade, but the prior release was mandatory, so use this release on all new and upgrade installations. This build has several enhancements and two fixes.
Build resolves problems when the user is in RGM, tries to attach a distribution list which is already attached to a template to another template and a warning message comes up stating that exclusions to one distribution list will affect both templates. Occasionally when the user pressed OK, the screen would not show the templates attached correctly. Fixed.
We made an enhancement change to the naming conventions of Add2Exchange. We implemented a simpler naming convention for single and automatic clone relationships rather than still use the \o\ou information.
This beta release candidate will be released shortly.
04/26/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.4.1121.383 Beta
Mandatory upgrade. This build resolves problems when the user added to the distribution list attached to RGM does not get added, Altered our tables to allow for larger IDs
This release will be released shortly.
03/09/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.3.1072.366 successfully released
Mandatory upgrade. Finally the GAL Sync complete "redo" has been completed and certified. Almost all Issues surrounding this build were replicating from and to Exchange 2007 and 2010. Issues varied, and included GAL Cache item duplication, non updates, the contact email address was showing incorrectly as \O..\OU and IMCEA formats on Iphones and Droids and updates to items from the GAL were not working correctly. This release fixes all types of GAL replication.
This is a mandatory upgrade for all users of GAL Sync. No other changes should be required, but if after a full GAL Sync (success for GAL in the Event log) if there are duplicates in the GALCache, simply remove all items from the GALCache folder (leave the folder there) and re cycle the Add2Exchange Service. Please make sure our GAL Cache Service is on from within the Add2Exchange Console Services/Utility and then close the Console and Start the service. All duplicates should be removed as expected.
Also, we found another related issue where the stored procedure responsible for making the field necessary to trigger the galcache failed in some cases to be added to SQL, and thus would not be added to the database, and further complicated and lengthened resolution. We made the field automatically add if not there both in the Console and GalSync.
02/14/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.3.1049.363 successfully released
Mandatory upgrade. This release fixes all types of replication. This release found a problem with certain subject contents which did not allow for proper replication. This is a mandatory upgrade since in certain circumstances, the source items would not be replicated and have source message failures.
02/12/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.2.1043.361 successfully released
Mandatory upgrade. This release fixes Calendar replication. This release no longer will replicate tentative appointments and is a major upgrade. We had found that users who got copies of tentative appointments and subsequently refused them would in certain circumstances, delete the original. This is a mandatory upgrade since it was not working correctly.
We know that some users are relying on this functionality, and this is a major change. We feel this is a security breach and hole in the proper functioning of the product, going around the rules of replication, so this functionality is now core functionality in all the product line.
This version fixes the Relationship Group Manager's ability to save multiple templates to the same distribution list, and multiple distribution lists to multiple templates. In some circumstances, the Distribution list would not return with a proper Exchange ID, and it would be blank. This caused the interface to misbehave and reject template assignments. Fixed.
02/06/2012 Add2Exchange Enterprise: Release #14.2.1040.360
A major change was made to synchronization. We were replicating tentative appointments and users were opening up their copies, seeing it was not addressed to them and then not accepting the appointments. This caused the originals to be deleted. Fixed. Add2Exchange no longer will replicate unresponded to or tentative appointments.
Also fixed: The Relationship Group Manager was not always refreshing the correct distribution list in RGM when picked from the list. Refresh works correctly every time now.
1/30/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Beta Release RC_a2e-enterprise_all_others_upgrade_to.14.1.1029.356
This build is a major rework of the Gal Manager Program. This upgrade fixes inconsistent behavior in Gal Sync program, saves resources and does not take as much CPU time. Please upgrade using this procedure: http://support.diditbetter.com/kb/A2E_194.aspx
1/16/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.1.1009.351 released
This build is a minor upgrade and fixes very specific errors in the A2E Console. Please upgrade using this procedure: http://support.diditbetter.com/kb/A2E_194.aspx
Note! Those users who use GAL Sync will be required to do something prior and after the upgrade. If you are upgrading from a prior release and are using Gal Sync options, please refer to this build for special instructions: 14.1.1009.351. If you are upgrading from this release to a release after this, then disregard.
Fixes: In the Add2Exchange Console, for a one to many RGM relationship, could get errorneous message that the source and destination folder can not be the same. Fixed.
In the A2E Console, while making an RGM relationship, when clicking on the Help screen on page 8, could get error which dropped the Console. Fixed
1/16/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 14.1.1009.351 released
This build is a major upgrade. Please upgrade!
Important Note! Those users who use GAL Sync will be required to do something prior and after the upgrade. This version will fix GAL Sync exclusions, but will unfortunately require you to set up AGAIN your Exclusion list in Gal Sync option. Before the upgrade pleplease open the Add2Exchange Console and take note of the Exclusions you have set under Global Options, Gal Sync Options, Exclusions. Once the program is uninstalled and updated to this and post releases, you will have to open the Add2Exchange Console and reset your exclusions for them to work again prior to sync. If you sync and then subsequently exclude the items, they will be removed correctly.
Enhancements include the exclusion of public folders and email enabled security groups.
Changed licensing message which incorrectly stated in exclusions that if number of relationships was equal to licensing, a nag screen would incorrectly state you did not have enough licenses. Fixed.
Changed an incorrect Message Box when deleting an unalerted relationship that it was alerted. It was not alerted, so we changed the message.
Changed Destination item deleted resolution message to Don't from Dont.
12/06/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: Beta 13.12.998.345 released
This build is a minor fix for GAL Sync which will now post the Fax number from the GAL to the Business Fax instead of Other fax to assist in Outlook displays. For the change to show, the items may need to be updated in the GAL for the change to take place in the Galcache folder, or the GalCache entires in the public folder need to be edited or the GalCache should be emptied and a full sync to recopy correctly. New installations are automatic to get the change.
11/28/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.11.987.344 released
Mandatory upgrade. This release fixes several important GAL Manager functions and combines all RC fixes. This is a mandatory upgrade since GALMan was not working correctly on some systems and your Exchange configurations can change over time so this is a release to upgrade to.
In two reported installations (and only) communicating to Exchange 2010, Galmanager was not working correctly and would break when it encountered Email enabled Security Groups. The symptoms of the issue were that the Add2Exchange Exclusions table was not being respected and all items were being synced, sometimes duplicated and sometimes removed erroneously making GAL Sync inconsistent. Often the users or groups which were subsequently hidden from the GAL were not removed. Although support for email enabled security groups was not previously supported, the dev team created new technology to handle this type of group and create distribution lists from the Security Groups. Remember, all distribution groups are resynced every time Gal Sync runs, but contacts are only resynced if the items changed within the GAL.
11/11/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.11.968.342 released
Mandatory upgrade. This release fixes several important Relationship Group Manager functions and combines all RC fixes. This is a mandatory upgrade since it was not working correctly.
RelMan incorrectly overwriting the correct folder2path readable name with the template data which then misrepresents in the console and RMM. This was making it harder to figure out who the relationship was set to. Fixed
Removing a member from the DistList or unchecking was not removing relationships where that member was on the Destination in Full Mesh. Check uncheck of dist list working now. Problem in SQL that did clean up
Orphaned rels Tool from Toolbox removing incorrect rels - due to sql logic missing logicaldelete in query. Also fixed FullMesh program that was unchecking in memory the member when possible duplication was run.
Logic to allow RelMan to make relationships (loosen up the duplicate check) and put the ultimate test into SP.
Added logging to newly resolved entry that was re-resolved. Both CDO and RDO.
11/04/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.11.962.340 release candidate
Highly Recommended upgrade. This release fixes several important Relationship Group Manager functions. This is a mandatory upgrade since it was not working correctly.
Maintenece fix. Check and uncheck in the RGM function of the Add2Exchange Console. Excluding users and including users was broken. SQL was broken doing cleanup and adding.
Working next on auto naming conventions, speed and automatic Recovery Module.
10/10/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.11.959.339 release candidate
Highly Recommended upgrade. This release fixes several important Relationship Group Manager functions. This is a strongly recommended update, and and mandatory if not working correctly.
Under certain circumstances found in the wild, RGM would not add or remove users when added to the AD Distribution list a template is attached to. Although it is still best to drive the memberships from Active Directory, they can also be unchecked in the RGM Console. Note: any user who is unchecked in a distribution list will also be unchecked and removed from any other templates that distribution list is attached to. The single code base for Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010 seemed to be the challenge here.
The automatic naming for full mesh templates would accidentally name the template "Ful Mesh: Full Mesh:" and then the name. Fixed. Any previous templates which were misnamed can be edited and fixed manually, if desired. There is no adverse effect from this, either way.
11/02/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.10.941.337 released
Highly Recommended upgrade. This release fixes several screen mishandling functions. Strongly recommended update, and mandatory if not working correctly.
Toolkit did not show relationship statistics. Fixed
A2E Console did not accurately show the settings for Service Interval and Logging and could show blank screen. Fixed
Clean up Orphan function was remarked out since it removed relationships which were valid children.
10/10/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.10.933.335 released
Mandatory upgrade, This release fixes GALCache public folder. In certain circumstances, users could not pick the GalCache public folder. Fixed
Added new option to zap the GALCache exclusions list so users can start over with their exclusions with a clean slate. This new option, located on the GalCache Exclusion page, should fix any installation which has "phantom" galcache entries which show up after a Gal Sync as blank entries. Once selected, the exclusions must be set up again. No sync between is necessary.
10/04/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.10.926.334 released
Mandatory upgrade, This release candidate fixes orphan template clones. Prior releases allowed for cleanup of Distribution list membership incorrectly. This caused template relationships to become orphaned. This release will fix that condition automatically, by logically deleting the cloned template relationships and removing the destination items so they can be re-added back correctly if desired. Stop the service, uninstall the prior version as normal, open the Add2Exchange Console and select from the Global options, the Empty Trash option to remove any alerted relationships. A full sync of that relationship type must be done in order to properly clean up. This release should be used for any installation where cloned relationships are not removed when removed from the distribution list. The problem has been resolved with this release.
09/29/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.9.920.332 released to Beta
Minor Maintenance Release
Fixed the ability for Relationship Group Manager to make new Post folders when creating relationship.
09/22/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.9.919.331 released
Highly recommended and Mandatory upgrade for those with RGM Relationships: Includes all prior mandatory fixes. This release has no known issues and is a smooth and mandatory upgrade.
Exchange 2003, 2007 and 2010 are fully supported.
Most of the changes and enhancements and bug fixes are due to the dev. team trying to make the product go faster, clean up after itself, make the interface represent what is happening without a sync in between. Also, of course, they took ideas from user feedback from the many strange and outside the box support resolutions brought to their attention.
Fixes and enhancements include.
The Template detach function was erroneously removing all members from A2E tracking of an AD distribution group for a given template, and all other templates. Added groupID qualifier to where clause. Resolved.
Found that Group rename logic was under certain conditions, broken and would not re-load members if a group was renamed in AD or if the condition above was triggered and a template was detached from an existing group. Users had to make new distribution groups to solve. Resolved.
A2E was not properly spinning off or removing new relationships based on Distribution Groups under certain conditions.
Speed up and Cleanup of RGM Save function, now we don't do dupe checking on Edit of Template t enable faster Console access.
Added a message box for "please wait" for RGM and Wizard for those with many relationships during relationship duplication testing.
Fixed the “full Mesh” checkExisting routine to make faster
Changed the auto naming convention of Templates to include folder type for clarity.
On Template edit, the Pivot folder name did not show up while editing a private to private relationship after saves.
Added stop call logic, system was looping over all rels to validate them without a stop test. User cannot regain control of the Console with ease.
RGM Full Mesh function was added to the ability to pick a source or destination folder in a template which is not the template side, so users can have many to one mailbox or one mailbox to many through RGM.
Because of the immediately preceding enhancement, the RGM Full Mesh logic was not working every time. Resolved
RGM Failure would sometimes make phantom relationships if the save fails for any reason. Now the user interface cleans up properly. The unintended problem avoided here was that this unsaved relationship was causing users to accidentally delete templates which they wanted to keep.
Toolkit not ID'ing and stripping A2O items and Toolkit innocuous 424 error. Resolved
Fixed Bug in Build process so new manual is included.
Fixed the Full mesh relationship erroneously saying it was a duplicate.
Put and update stop catch in the updating of RGM relationships and a "please wait" notice.
Pivot folder not showing up in the RGM private to private relationships.
RELMAN not stopping quickly when the A2E Console is opened.
08/31/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise Build: 13.8.895.327 released
Highly recommended upgrade: Includes all mandatory fixes from prior builds to this build.
Summary of Maintenance Release:
New FEATURE! In Relationship Group Manager, now able to make RGM templates from one users private folder and sync to all the users in a distribution list. Also able to make the reverse, where a folder in all the users in a distribution list can be synced to one users private folder for all folder types.
We found a serious speed drag and fixed it. With this release there is a dramatic increase in speed and now A2E will be pushing out only changes to items for GAL Sync, and all other synchronization. We found we didn't pass the sourceItem True flag into our copy routine so it was inadvertently updating most all items every sync. We also added to only update when not an A2EItem and put filter on galsync to only update when not already A2EItem=True. (Thanks Trevor)
Fixed the Synchronize Initially routine by moving it from the sync to the Relmanager instead to resolve for template relationships.
Relationship Group Manager: The automatic naming of Templates for GAL not always working the way it was designed to. Small but nice Fix.
07/21/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise 13.8.881.322 released
Mandatory upgrade: Summary of Maintenance Release: Mandatory fix for Relationship Group Manager
Occasionally the RGM system would not detach templates consistently. Fixed
In certain circumstances, users with mailboxes with names with special characters such as an appostrophe would not create RGM or single relationships. Fixed
In certain circumstances, exclusions to the Global Address list would not work. Fixed
Minor enhancements to screen labeling and help tips - "please wait" during GAL loadings
07/21/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise 13.7.866.321 released
Mandatory Upgrade: Summary of Maintenance Release: Mandatory fix for GAL Sync operations
A2E EE GAL Sync fix:
A2E will now remove the gal cache entries when you exclude - even after the fact. Also, it will remove the contact in the galcache ONLY if Excluded and only if the user is DELETED from AD. If the user is hidden from the gal, A2E will still leave the contact there in the GAL Cache.
Also, finally, for backward compatibility, if you have manually created items there in the GalCache folder, it will leave the manually created Contacts in the cache.
Fix: Toolbox Inspector General would fail on Public folders with error 438. Fixed
07/17/2011 Add2Exchange Enterprise 13.7.861.320 released
Fix: When editing an existing calendar relationship and using the Advanced Tab to do Confidentiality options, an Error 9 would drop the program. Resolved.
Add2Exchange Enterprise version 13.7.849.319
Add2Exchange Standard 8.5x and Add2Exchange Enterprise 13.7x release contain critical technology enhancements and are mandatory upgrades for Add2Exchange users. TIP: Unless Cross-grading, be sure to upgrade with the appropriate version, A2E Standard or A2E Enterprise Edition.
As you may have noticed, we are now posting a smaller "helper download" application which gets the appropriate download package from the Cloud. This is an improvement but some antivirus programs flag it as a Trojan. Let us assure you, it is not, and we have already notified the major AV companies. Some have put it on the white list, but some do not. See a related article here.
A critical upgrade is required of A2E Recovery and Migration Manager tool (RMM) licensees of both RMM Standard and RMM Enterprise. This is a critical notice to upgrade, so no not use prior versions, as more exceptions are handled correctly and frankly, it actually does what it is supposed to do every time! You would use this tool to fix an alerted relationship (do not delete them) or an Exchange Migration or an Exchange Recovery.
To coincide with these A2E releases, the RMM tool was also improved to provide Advanced Options for Admins to correct botched Recovery or Migrations. Even though the RMM tool is a separate product and licensed separately, this release note is included here for both A2E Standard and A2E Enterprise since they are so tightly integrated. This upgrade is a mandatory upgrade for all prior users of RMM. The current releases are: Standard RMM: version Enterprise RMM: version Uninstall the prior products first. No reboot is necessary. Again, do not use prior versions. This post suggests options for Migration.
A new free A2E Diags was improved and included in every new Add2Exchange download. This is not a critical upgrade but should be upgraded if running A2E Standard Edition or Cross-grading to Enterprise to take advantage of the Templating System in RGM and to sanitize the database after the upgrade.
Help for Technical Support:
An FAQ was created for Explaining the system to new Admins, Troubleshooting common problems and Migration Options located here: A2E Troubleshooting.
The A2E event log error entries are now more closely referencing our online knowledgebase for deep linking for quicker problem resolution.
The Infrastructure is being built now for proactive monitoring of the sync service and be able to offer and provide integrated alerts to pagers or emails with options to alert DIB Premium Support Technicians to call YOU when it is not working correctly. We aim to enable this feature in Q4 of 2011.
A2E Standard and Enterprise Enhancements
Relationship manager now spins off another Relman so it is faster and smoother and backward compatible and this combined with the next few tips will virtually eliminate Sync hangs.
Fixed service hangs by providing fault tolerance by testing for communication link to underlying Exchange infrastructure and if fails, to reset and wait until next time. This fix/enhancement avoids the occasional A2E Director Hang on some systems during system availability (stability) time periods and is contained in the new A2E Standard and A2E Enterprise editions
These software upgrades, combined with a process to exclude certain directories from Antirust Active file scanning and a process to move the Microsoft temporary "MMP files" from the Windows/Temp directory and also exclude from active file scanning is recommended to avoid sync interruptions due to aggressive antiviral interference. These upgrades and processes have been stress tested to virtually avoid sync "hanging" all together. See this link: http://support.diditbetter.com/Forums/Thread.aspx?pageid=1&mid=2&ItemID=1&thread=71&postid=182
Both Standard and Enterprise systems are now compatible with SQL Express 2008 R2 with an easy install and upgrade so database size can grow to 10 GB and is a seamless upgrade. In near future upgrades of both A2E Standard and Enterprise we will bundle it for the initial installation.
Add2Exchange EE (A2E EE) can now make duplicate template in Relationship Group Manager – and be able to attach to another distribution group, but not the same one as prior. This is the case for someone wanting to set up two dist. groups to the same folder, like when they want some users with non-editing dist. list and some users in a bidirectional edits of info. This is a big improvement!
A2E EE now tests for similar settings of relationship template when saving the relationship template and allows the user to further edit the automatic name convention of the template system so they make it a unique name and not confusing to them later. This is an extension of the previous enhancement so the templates can be called something like "Editing" and "Non Editing".
Finally for the duplicate template enhancement, A2E EE checks for attaching the same or similar template to the same distribution group and prompts to not do it or it will cause duplication and offers suggestion to detach older template and sync in order to attach new or select another distribution list. Much more user intuitive and interactive.
A2E EE can make a template from one users private folder to many users when attaching a distribution list by unchecking the checkbox which says "Template Side" during Relationship Group Manager (RGM) build of the relationship Template. For example, this feature can now replace single individual relationships with an RGM template relationship from their personal contacts to many users contained in a distribution list (such as z_Toms_Contacts) through Relationship Group Manager.
Every function in A2E Standard Edition is now contained and superseded or improved in some way in A2E EE. Now RGM system can make all types of relationships desired through RGM which would go to or from users. The only function that cannot be done by templating in RGM is public to public, which would not be attached to a distribution list anyway. Both Editions can do public to public relationships as a single discrete relationship.
EE has better prompts in EE RGM Templating system to make user's better understand options
EE has web link to support site for clearer explanations and opens browser from within application to specify more precise (lengthy) and clear options for new users and seasoned admins to make the correct decisions.
EE has tighter interfacing the Recovery and Migration Manager Tool (RMM) so discarded relationships in RMM trigger to empty the trash and avoid a two sync cycle and reduce Administrative time to manage.
Fixes specific to Add2Exchange Enterprise:
Fix: Fixed A2E Service hangs. This fix/enhancement avoids the occasional A2E Director Hang on some systems during system availability and is contained in the new A2E Standard and A2E Enterprise editions.
Fix: Gal Manager will handle users with a O’ in their name: (apostrophe)
Fix: RelManager will handle users with a O’ in their name
Fix: Exclusions for GalManager work as expected
Fix: EE GAL Sync was not bringing over the Title field
Fix: EE GAL now will put Telephone 1 (Other) from AD to Outlook Business Telephone number in GalCache folder. This is actually an enhancement, but many admins considered this a bug. This field is natively available in all smartphones.
Fix: In certain circumstances, the RGM Template system would fail to function properly and report there was no one in the distribution list when it was attached to another template.
Fix: AFTER this upgrade, Renaming of distribution lists is allowed and the system will continue to operate properly.
Fix: Licensing routine was broken on some systems and would report that it was licensed when in fact it was not and not syncing all relationships.
Fix: Configuration to the CAS Server is allowed in most systems providing fault tolerance during fail overs.
Fixes specific to Add2Exchange Standard:
Fix: The biggest fix in A2E Standard is to enhance the systemic checking routines and avoid unhandled conditions, causing hanging in the sync process. The system now detects changing or unavailable infrastructure environments and will reset without a hang. Combined with antiviral exclusion tip above creates a consistent environment to replicate.
Fix: We developed a process and free tool to sanitize the SQL Database for upgrades from earlier versions. This will recreate a metadata-consistent environment for consistent replication. See this link: Sanitize DB. This tool should be run on any Standard system upgrade or cross grade. This process will only have to be run once and never again and takes less than 5 minutes. This process should be run on any A2E Standard system or A2E Standard to Enterprise Cross grade. Important: If invalid rows are found, make sure all relationships are unidirectional prior to the first sync. If you have invalid rows and have questions, contact tech support for assistance.
The Road Ahead: We are retooling Add2Exchange to allow for many enhancements:
Upsize to full SQL
Different and better communication protocols
Reduced Rights assignment!
Faster with less resources
Automatic Licensing, Renewals and reducing restrictions
System Alerts to Email for Monitoring performance
Integrated Premium Support Monitoring for proactive fixes
Send your requests to help@diditbetter.com or post it in the upgrade forum here.
A Word on immediate Prior Release Notes
We are sorry, but we didn't "drop the ball". Actually, with these releases we think that we have made a touchdown together! Thank you for all your feedback, and our beta testers and near beta testers.
The Diditbetter.com Support team did not release forward facing release notes for versions from 7.3 to present and 12.4 to present. Why you may ask? Even though there were over 600 fixes between the two products, once we knew the sync stability of the products were in question, we focused entirely on that. These fix notes to the public were deemed to be less important than the certainty of immediate stability, thus this task went to the bottom of the list and pretty much fell off.
Since these current releases are mandatory for automated and unattended sync stability, the list above is what we believe really matters to our Admins - some sense of certainty that the upgrade will perform as advertised. In the future, however, since from all accounts these products seem to be "Golden Releases", moving forward we will have more time and manpower and will start again to timely release to you the information to help you Admins fully evaluate any and all product upgrades.
Again, thank you for your cooperation, suggestions, guidance and patience.
We are scheduled to release new versions on the 15th of each month. Use this procedure to upgrade: and be sure to subscribe to the RSS feed on the website for notifications.
Prior Release notes
Add2Exchange 7.3 and 12.4 Release Notes
Add2Exchange Standard 7.3 and Add2Exchange Enterprise 12.4 are strongly recommended upgrades for all Add2Exchange customers and a mandatory upgrade for users of the GAL sync feature of Add2Exchange Enterprise.
These release notes apply to both Standard and Enterprise Editions of Add2Exchange, except as noted explicitly for a particular edition.
Important Upgrade Notice for GAL sync users
This release of Add2Exchange will force the GAL cache to be cleared and repopulated. If you have edited the items in the GAL cache, for example to add pictures to contacts, then these items will be removed to a subfolder of the cache!
Because of GAL sync changes to accommodate Exchange 2007 and 2010, the GAL cache needs to be refreshed, which will remove any customizations to those items. We regret the inconvenience, but this means that such customizations will need to be redone by the user after the first synchronization of the new version. Because some of those customizations may be important or difficult to recall, the cleared cache items are moved to a subfolder of the GAL cache rather than being deleted. You can find them there.
Do not drag items from the subfolder, since that will cause duplication. Wait for the GAL sync to complete, then edit the items in the GAL cache manually to reproduce your customizations. Once the information is no longer needed, you may delete the subfolder at any time.
This process will only happen once and will not have to be performed again.
As a benefit from this change, we have relaxed the rules on the GAL cache so any that other contacts which are added to the GAL cache folder manually will now be replicated and not be removed after GAL sync has run.
We have also created a GAL exclusion list which will allow service accounts and other accounts to not participate in the GAL sync replication relationships.
Change to Version Numbering
In order to better serve our customers, our internal version numbering scheme has changed as well. The old system was based on three numbers: the major, minor and build numbers, e.g. 12.2.0226. The new system will allow us to more easily track down issues experienced by our customers and help us introduce new features in a timely and more maintainable fashion.
The new version numbering maintains the same major and minor numbers, but changes from the old system at the third place number. The new system uses revision and build numbers that are not related to the old build number. However, the new third-place number, the revision number, does start at a higher value than the old build number, so version numbers are still strictly increasing when comparing a new version number to the old number. So from a practical standpoint, it is still easy to tell that a release with the new numbering system is newer than one with the old numbering system. Still, we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Changes to download packaging
In addition to the need for package naming to change because of the version numbering change, we have also improved the manner in which the download packages are named and packaged. This includes:
- simplified upgrade package naming
- smaller package size
- self-extracting executables
Simplified naming
The version numbers on the package names now match the system described above, of course. In addition, we have simplified the naming of upgrade packages. There are still three packages; a full package which includes the SQL installer, an upgrade for old versions of Add2Exchange that did not have SQL (versions 2 or 3), as well as an upgrade package for more recent Add2Exchange versions (which already have SQL installed) that does not include the SQL installer.
The upgrade package names used to include every possible major version number that you could have installed, so you could distinguish between the upgrade package with SQL and the one without. For example, the normal upgrade package included “5_6_7_11_or_12_to_12.x.x.x” in the name. This is cumbersome.
Instead, the upgrade packages now include “2_or_3_upgrade” and “all_other_upgrade”. This requires you to read the package names in relation to one another, but is more maintainable than the alternative. The difference between the files should be clear when you look at the list of downloadable files on the website.
Smaller package size and self-extracting executables
Due to the size of the download packages, we have switched to 7-zip for compression. Since 7-zip is not installed by default on customer systems, the packages are now self-extracting executables. They extract automatically to a subdirectory clearly marked with the version number.
We’ve also removed the CHM version of the documentation from the main package (it is still installed by the installer), saving additional space. The PDF version is still available directly in the unzipped files, without the need to install Add2Exchange to see it.
Between these two improvements we’ve lowered the package sizes by more than 10% – 20%.
Add2Exchange Standard 7.3 and Add2Exchange Enterprise 12.4.387.176- Released 4/2010
The following issues have been addressed in this release.
Edition |
Feature |
Severity |
Issue ID |
subject |
Enterprise |
- |
Feature #616 |
do not delete galcache |
Enterprise |
- |
Feature #556 |
Assess improvement of using stored procedures |
Enterprise |
- |
Feature #504 |
Added metering to GAL option – See 2 TEXT changes to complete this |
Enterprise |
- |
Feature #390 |
Gal Exclusions |
Both |
- |
Feature #360 |
Replace SQL 2005 SP2 with 2005 SP3 |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #659 |
GAL still creating duplicates on gal updated entry |
Enterprise |
Console |
Major |
Bug #657 |
Licensing works after server move (no LT) |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #647 |
RGM Navigation |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #641 |
Unchecking a Member in RGM leaves member but Removing from Dist List should Delete |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #640 |
GAL Sync results |
Enterprise |
Service |
Major |
Bug #630 |
Stopping service does not stop sync program |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #623 |
Home phone field and Send To not working for GAL sync |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #610 |
gal error gone on release candidtate but still not replicating |
Enterprise |
Console |
Major |
Bug #594 |
Console still opens on 58 with directory and sp in memory doing rep |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #591 |
Object variable or With block variable not set when contact in the dist list |
Enterprise |
Console |
Major |
Bug #590 |
Put sm registry dates back in registry and sync so avaialble when installing |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #582 |
release candidate has error in gal relationship properties page text property is read only |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #574 |
second template to same dist group name does not put in an group id in table |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #573 |
post it notifier adding to rgm does not show relationship |
Enterprise |
Sync |
Minor |
Bug #564 |
Modules take 35 second setup with no relationships – verify not per relationship |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #550 |
Console RGM/RelMan Nested Distribution Groups |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #546 |
RelMan crashes with Error 9: Subscript out of range when removing hyphenated user |
Enterprise |
Other |
Minor |
Bug #541 |
Error 91 when selecting advanced options on start over – private |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #513 |
Full install throws dbo.A2E_GALExcludes transaction rollback and spCleanupMetaData errors |
Enterprise |
Sync |
Major |
Bug #508 |
change metering of normal sync to some base value, 0 is too low |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #503 |
GAL cache not updating changes in names, adding new distribution list every change |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #499 |
Gal Exclusions cause an error 9 when applying |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #497 |
Removing someone from Dist list does not refresh relationships |
Enterprise |
Minor |
Bug #495 |
RGM GAL Sync change to RGM so it can do nothing on dest item delete |
Enterprise |
Console |
Minor |
Bug #494 |
Change relationship options to set automatically for bidirectional |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #485 |
RGM distribution list exclusions not being remembered |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #484 |
RGM seems to be testing for names instead of ids for duplicates, multiple does not work |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #479 |
RGM cannot find account for template |
Enterprise |
Console |
Minor |
Bug #470 |
widen the field in confidentiality |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #448 |
RGM Excludes |
Enterprise |
Trial |
Major |
Bug #447 |
EE Trial Restart does not reset Enterprise Features |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #392 |
IF Dist list name changes, it changes it in RGM and for relationships |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #389 |
Make Gal work with IDs |
Enterprise |
Major |
Bug #336 |
address book entry not in right format |
Explanation of Severity Levels:
Our severity classification system is straightforward:
Critical |
Issue may cause loss of data or other harmful effect |
Major |
Product does not perform correctly despite correct configuration and environment |
Minor |
Product does not respond correctly to configuration or environment problem |
Enterprise Feature #616 – do not delete galcache
The GAL cache holds a copy of the GAL for GAL synchronization. When clearing the cache for any reason, Add2Exchange now saves the old GAL cache in a subfolder in order to preserve any modifications to cached items made by the administrator.
Enterprise Feature #556 – Assess improvement of using stored procedures
SQL queries have been reimplemented as stored procedures to improve synchronization performance.
Enterprise Feature #504 – Added metering to GAL option
GAL synchronization may take a long time on the initial sync, depending on the size of the GAL. There is a metering option to reduce the impact of this synchronization on the synchronization server CPU.
Enterprise Feature #390 – Gal Exclusions
A new tab has been added to the GAL Sync configuration dialog, allowing you to select entries in the GAL. These entries are exclusions that will be ignored during GAL sync.
Both Editions Feature #360 – Replace SQL 2005 SP2 with 2005 SP3
SQL Server 2005 Express SP3 is now the default SQL package for Add2Exchange. SP3 is the first version of SQL 2005 Express to be supported by Microsoft with Microsoft Server 2008 R2.
SQL Server 2005 Express has been updated to Service Pack 3 on the full install. Upgrades to existing Add2Exchange installs must be done with Microsoft update, as SQL is not included with the upgrade package.
Enterprise Bug #336 – GAL – Major – Address book entry not in the right format
When using the GAL synchronization feature, not all entries in the resulting contact list had the proper format for the email address of an individual contact. This has been fixed.
GAL synchronization currently does not fully support distribution lists. This feature is slated for an upcoming release.
Enterprise Bug #389 – GAL – Major – Make GAL work with IDs
GAL synchronization would not detect items that have had their names changed (such as change to Last Name) and would create new items in the destination rather than renaming them. This resulted in near-duplicates.
GAL sync has been fixed to recognize items by their IDs rather than names. Renaming is properly detected.
Enterprise Bug #392 – RGM – Major – If Distribution list name changes, needs to change in RGM and relationships
Name changes to distribution lists were not filtering into the user interface to the Relationship Group Manager. Fixed.
Enterprise Bug #448 – RGM – Major – RGM Excludes
Relationship Group Manager was not excluding items in distribution lists which do not point to mailboxes, such as external emails. Fixed.
Enterprise Bug #479 – RGM – RGM cannot find account for template
When creating an RGM template, if there were an account in AD that had the service account’s name as a prefix, account logon would fail with an ambiguous name resolution, preventing the template from being created. Fixed.
Prior Revision Log
Add2Exchange Enterprise 11.12 – Released 12/2009
Enterprise Bug #311 – Critical – RGM – Relationships Lost if Distribution Lists Become Hidden in Active Directory
If you are using the Relationship Group Manager in Add2Exchange Enterprise, relationships could be permanently lost if the defining distribution list is hidden in Active Directory. You should upgrade to this version of Add2Exchange Enterprise immediately.
Enterprise Bug #273 – Critical – Database – SQL Upgrade Query Fails
In rare cases, a SQL command that was part of support for Exchange 2007 changes would cause database tables to lose information.
Enterprise Bug #269 – Major – Sync – Source Message Failure/Transaction Rollback
This update addresses the Source Message Failure/Transaction Rollback issue in the Add2Exchange event log. This release is a mandatory upgrade for those users. It is strongly recommended that all users under current Software Maintenance update to this version of software.
Upgrading to this version to repair the issue is a two-step process.
- Perform the upgrade according to the usual steps. Stop the Add2Exchange service, remove the old version and install the new one.
- Run the “Remove Invalid Database rows” script from the A2EDiags kit. Instructions for this are in technical bulletin A2E-183 at: http://support.diditbetter.com/kb/A2E-183.html.
Same as prior issue, for Add2Exchange Standard. Follow the same instructions for upgrade.
Enterprise Bug #246 – Major – Database – Group Membership Field Isn’t Wide Enough for Exchange 2007 DNs
Microsoft increased the amount of data necessary to identify Exchange mailboxes. The database had to have fields widened to accommodate.
Enterprise Bug #160 – Major – GAL Sync – GAL Cache Creates Duplicates When Display Names Are Edited
GAL synchronization used display names to identify records, causing duplicate items to be created if the names changed. The identification method has been improved.
Reduced Resource Usage
Both editions of Add2Exchange use fewer WMI calls and less transaction processing in SQL, making better use of server resources.
Improved Diagnostic Messages
Diagnostic log messages have been reviewed and improved to give more and better detail.
Multiple Instances of Add2Exchange Director Fix
Some customers experienced issues with the Add2Exchange Director program not exiting correctly. These are fixed.
Server Move Fixes
Customers relocating Add2Exchange to a new server experienced some issues with the latest version of the Server Move assistant product and x64 systems. These are resolved.
Note: the Server Move assistant is a separately licensed product.
Synchronization Timer Issue Resolved in Enterprise
Minor issue with the timing of GAL sync resolved in Enterprise Edition.
SQL Installation Fix
Some users experienced failures to connect with the SQL database upon initial installation. Fixed.
Recovery and Migration Manager Fix
Relationships were not being repaired properly as part of Server Moves, which also may have affected repairs for Mailbox restores. Affected both Standard and Enterprise Editions. Fixed.
Global Address List synchronization in Enterprise Edition was failing on Distribution Lists which contained apostrophes in their names. Fixed.
ToolBox Licensing Fix
In some situations the Add2Exchange ToolBox would throw an error when trying to request a license for the ToolBox. Fixed.
Tuned Default Relationship Settings
Default settings for Relationships when being created now match the recommended settings in the Guide.
Recurring Item Synchronization fix
The implementation of the Global Recurrence Window has changed. Instead of using a range of days in the past to determine whether a recurrence should be synchronized, Add2Exchange now uses a hard cutoff date to determine the recurrence window. If a recurrence starts after the cutoff date, it is synchronized and otherwise it is not. This allows synchronization of recurrences to be more predictable and eliminates the need to periodically reset on-going recurring meetings to begin more recently when they were falling outside the old rolling window. The new cutoff date is fixed and does not roll forward with the passage of time.
Multiple Relationship Deletion fix
When deleting multiple relationships from the console at once, in some circumstances not all destination folder copies would be successfully deleted. This version successfully deletes the destination copies for multiple relationships. However, deletion now occurs upon the next synchronization cycle, as opposed to immediate deletion when the relationship is removed in the console.
*Outdated* |
This version of Add2Exchange is no longer supported. The most current version is a mandatory upgrade for all users of this version who are under active Software Maintenance. |
*Known Issue* |
This version of Add2Exchange contains a known issue that is addressed by the most recent update. The most current version is a mandatory upgrade for all users of this version who are under active Software Maintenance. |
Add2Exchange 5.1 – Released January 18, 2008
*Critical Notice* |
The Diditbetter Software Development Team has worked with Microsoft and reported a potential problem with Exchange 2003. Microsoft has issued a patch for users of Exchange 2003 who are experiencing EXCDO failure messages. See the following link for details: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/943721 |
New and Improved Features
- Manual has been improved with more explanations and updated screenshots
- Manual has been restructured and the installation has been streamlined for initial installs and upgrade section
- We Eliminated separate “advanced user” install section by virtue of streamlined instructions
- There is a new section of the manual for changing the service account password
- We have improved the use of “callouts”, with separate boxes that specify the kind of information contained, by use of an icon for easy reference
- We added a new section for DR and Server Moves as part of Licensed Toolkit add-on
Usability Features
Increase in performance over previous version by improved indexing – from 2 to 10 times faster synchronization!
- Reduced initial sync and relationship rebuild time
- Improved “Replication RPC Performance Metering” to allow a throttling of performance. This control helps eliminate user messages that “Outlook is trying to connect to Exchange” from Outlook clients. Throttling is ideal in a heavily taxed, busy or underpowered environment. Settings are extremely sensitive and exponential in slowdown from no throttle at full performance to 10 which could take a few days to replicate. It is best to have the replication as fast as is possible in your environment. Changes to the performance are immediate on next replication.
- You now can not accidentally make a private to private relationship using a pivot folder which is part of another relationship’s source or destination folder. For speed and reliability, the pivot folders are now being enforced to be normally empty. Hidden and invisible to everyone except the Add2Exchange Service Account.
- Replicate Outlook reminders from the source folder to the destination folder – once the reminders are dismissed in the destination, you can choose not to remind again from new Global Option setting.
- Add2Exchange needs the replication server to be set to US regional settings and there is a test for this during the Console open routine.
- Recurring Items are now handled without having to stretch the replication window to catch the Master Item. New Global option will create a specific start date to start from or a rolling start date to reduce excess replication.
Technical Enhancement Features
Behind the Scenes Enhancements and Issue Resolution Fixes
- Add2Exchange installs the updated SQL Express 2005 on full install.
- Add2Exchange 5.1 has minimal effect on the Exchange Store and Exchange Transaction logs.
- Centralized relationship management system, better optimization, pushes only changes optimized for PDAs and Smartphones and has a new improved Rollback function. If A2E copies are unsuccessful, this technology significantly reduces the chance of “runaway duplication” and will stop after 20 unsuccessful attempts.
- Changed Logging system to name the file to the current date preventing the daily file from growing too large when debugging systems.
- StartOver Enhancement: Optimized time to process to skip over folders that have already been processed for the following: (a) Corrupted Msgs (b) Unpaired Deletes© Scrub Sources (d) Scrub Destinations.
- Upgrade install remembers and installs to the previously installed location.
- Add2Exchange export setup feature now includes additional fields of: name of the current machine, name of the current user, product installation location, service startup type and the Windows operating system plus builds and service packs.
- Add2Exchange suppresses any events in the Event Log for terminated relationships.
- Added folder corruption Check for all source folders in Free side of Toolkit
- Changed corruption report event message to Warning so it’s visible in the EventViewer (they are not comingled with the good success audits).
- Changed the misleading message when a 3.x to 5.x upgrade is complete. Changed to inform them that they must open the A2E Console to complete the process.
- Changed the log event type to Success Audit from the Informational.
- Added an internal indicator that our upgrade process is complete. This will be the filter that sets the upgrade flags on. This is necessary just in case the process dies or some AC cancels the process.
- We added a stored value of “Copy Existing Items” while making a relationship. This helps in forensics of what the user did when making the relationship and explains why no existing items are being replicated, only new. This is for reporting and is output in the Export Setup. We also fixed the interpretation of the settings to more human readable format. In some prior releases we didn’t store the value of whether the user copied all items so we store it now. If it’s not stored, we initialize to fill in with value 0 – did not copy, even though it may have.
- Added a function to dump the log to the A2E Event Viewer when it’s level 0 (errors are still 0 events)
- Added an indicator that our alternate Toolkit processes are complete. This is a filter that sets the upgrade flags on and is necessary in case the process dies or some person or event cancels or kills the process.
- Changed several Informational type messages from Error to Informational.
- Added the DBServer Name when Missing for licensing.
- Killed relationships are no longer loaded, saving startup time.
- Fixed explanation and writing for the “New and Improved” License address that has been cleaned up in the Registry. We now capture this when user is trying to License.
- Support pad: we changed the reference on the screen to the new active support email and decoupled from the visual interface.
- Fixed the performance indicator by inverting the scale of the performance meter (RPC calls per second). The wording of the apply button has been inverted as well.
- Fixed a potential problem of overwriting the good exported registry files so we append the date and time to the filename so we keep history.
- Refined Licensing screen, removed misplaced comma causing screen to truncate. Also added checkboxes to request upgrades for a subset of the existing licenses.
- Entire registry key saved in backup file on disk periodically.
- Fixed the Startover and major version upgrade process to clear database to eliminate dups AND to again enable items to be copied.
- We have handling now for users who have tried to install as Admin or Domain Admin or BesAdmin and created multiple profiles
- We made it impossible through the installer to install over an existing version of Add2Exchange or after 4.1.08x or newer to move the program by installing to a different location since it could strand the SQL Database files.
- We put in advanced logic to test for non A2E Service account Admin install, NA2ESA Admin usage and reduce the ability to create other profiles.
- We added a EULA link as part of request from a user.
- Changes to default Recurring Replication Rules. We added a new drop down in the A2E Console: Tools. This is in direct response for users who are doing recurring appointments with alarms. Users who had relationships with alarms in the source items were not able to dismiss the alarm would be for Add2Exchange Recurring Appointments – responding to users with Destination items that could not dismiss the reminders. One option for those users with Reminders in source – must delete source and recreate to update to destinations – We disabled the bidirectional on recurring items for alarm and default recurring settings. Other option for those uses without Reminders in source – operates as before.
- Performance We added to the Performance slider in the A2E Console Services utility an enhancement to reduce the amount of RPC calls per second. Prior to this enhancement, the only performance adjustment was allowing more forground processing of other processes. Add2Exchange defaults to the fastest processing. If Outlook users get constant messages such as “Outlook is trying to retrieve data from Exchange” then go into the A2E Console and set the performance indicator to a slower speed. Best practices would be to ratchet down the performance meter one tick at a time, let it replicate and find out from users if the wait messages subside. During Testing, the optimim performance settings are sufficient, however, in a heavily taxed, less powerful or in a many user enviroment system, the Outlook messages seemed to be reduced between 2 and 6 ticks off of fastest. Slowest processing increased the time of replication by 15 times the time taken at the fastest setting.
- Upgrade Problem with Startover When Out of trial and Out of license, and the user opens the console to do the scrub and upgrade from 3x to 4x and cancel the scrub, it marked it as you ran it anyway – fixed. This issue caused duplication of upgrades by not having the system go through the startover process. During the process it removes old items replicated with the older methodology and the replaces the items in the destination with the new technology. If it does not go through the process, the system created duplicates. Fixed with no user change in behavior. When you try to run it again, it says you already did and automatically changes to DB4 without scrub, nd when you run the service, it created duplicates -
Housekeeping Improvements
- Registry copy is done on successful sync not console open
- Changed default window on calendars to 90 days forward, on tasks 0 days forward
- Two-way relationship creation now edits the auto generated relationship name switch for source and destination
- Registration field had issues: We fixed ZipCode fields to be Canadian Friendly X2X9X8, we changed Phone number to be 999 888 8888 ext.9999999 from (999) 999-7777 Ext.999999 to Allow for better entry from Europe.
Minor Wording and interface Changes
- Inverted colors on status of Add2exchange Service status in service utility to make more obvious when system status was not normal.
- “No Event Logging” is now named “Error Logging Only”.
- References to TaskController replaced with Add2Exchange.
- Cross Licensing Code issue resolved.
- A2E install mentions Exchange 5.5 and we no longer support it, quick fix to remove in wording.
- Removed “with” from Place Text Before or After Subject/File As With.
- Help Text 1540 now works in Console Confidentiality module.
- Screen pointed at 2020 instead of 1540.
- Misspelling on global options menu fixed.
- Renaming the relationship fixed.
- Set Initial and Update Destination Reminder renamed in Relationship Edit window
- Error 6 on 5.11 – fixed in B4.1.530: Error Encountered during registry read operation of Key: Key Returned :6.
- Autopop size limitation enforced, resolving registry read error.
- Relationship deletion removal destination copies now cleans up if trial expired.
- Source message deletions on bidirectional relationships with synchronization failure message fixed. Source messages are no longer deleted on synchronization of destination changes on recurring meetings in bidirectional relationships.
- In a bidirectional relationship the source message is deleted when there is an error synchronizing the source message in the event viewer log. Fixed misplaced “”.
- During Install, Installshield tests for unlicensed option and used to show 12pm
- The changing the performance dialog would come up in service utility if user applies even w/o changing Performance slider.
DisasterRecovery Tool (DR)
- Added Wizard-like messages to guide a user on what next to do after running the DR tool. Since A2E can only put a relationship in alert or take it out when the Service runs, these messages tell a user what to do when DR is completed. “Please close the DR Tool and Start the A2E Service. After a complete replication cycle, open the A2E Console to ensure all relationships have been reactivated correctly.”
- DR is now completely decoupled from A2E install with a new handy shortcut to download it.
- Optimized DR tool to prompt for source and then ripple through all relationships to replace.
- We made the ability to have the DR tool fix a system whose Pivot folder was picked and it was part of a source or destination folder.
- DR now installs to the same directory as Add2Exchange.
- We now completely decoupled FolderMatic from the Add2Exchange install with a new handy shortcut to download it.
- We fixed a licensing issue that would not allow it to be licensed under certain conditions.
- We added a new Post Folder Creation utility option
- FolderMatic includes creation of parent down to ultimate subdirectory creation
- We added Named property stripping features in Surgeon General to eliminate the need to export. Ideal for those who have corruption or pictures associated with Contacts. The Surgeon General tool is not part of the paid side of the toolkit, and is only to be used by Diditbetter Technical Support Personnel and has been password protected.
- We added new option for corrupted items check
- We added the ability for ODS Technical Support team to be able to use tools as part of a paid service call.
- We added on the free side of the Toolkit the Relationship Audit report to help in troubleshooting
- We enhanced CDO Log in Test
- We enhanced the CDO version check with more complete information
- We added functions for SQL to Minimize, Optimize, and Maximize server footprint due to a user request.
Add2Exchange 4.1.0717 – Released July 17, 2007
- Changed synchronization of reminders. Unless Relationship “Match Reminder to Source” is checked, reminders only set in Destination copy on initial sync. No sync of reminders afterward. Reminders now never propagate from Destination back to Source, even on bidirectional Relationships, no exceptions.
- On recurring appointments, changes are no longer synchronized at all, only new recurring meetings are initially replicated. Temporary fix to prevent recurring meetings from getting reminders reset.
- Added Performance slider enhancement to throttle RPC Calls.
- A Performance slider in the Service Utility of the Console has been implemented to reduce the amount of RPC calls per second. Prior to this enhancement, the only performance adjustment was to change priority relative to other processes. Add2Exchange defaults to the fastest processing. If Outlook users get constant messages such as “Outlook is trying to retrieve data from Exchange” then go into the Add2Exchange Console and set the performance indicator to a slower speed. Best practices would be to ratchet down the performance meter one tick at a time, let it replicate and find out from users if the wait messages subside. During testing, the optimum performance settings are sufficient, however, on a heavily taxed, less powerful system, the Outlook messages seemed to be reduced between 2 and 6 ticks lower than the fastest setting. The slowest setting increases synchronization time by a factor of about 15x slower than the Fast setting.
- Upgrade Problem with StartOver
- Fixed issue with StartOver being flagged as complete when not actually complete. This issue caused duplication of upgrades by not having the system go through the StartOver process.
- When you try to run it again, it says you already did and automatically changes to DB4 without scrub and when you run the service, it created duplicates
- Fixed false StartOver attempt warnings.
- When Out of trial, Out of license, open console for upgrade.
- Fixed false positive on StartOver when canceled.
- Registry copy is done on successful sync not console open.
- New Relationship creation now defaults synchronization window on Calendars to 90 days forward, on Tasks to 0 days forward.
- Two-way relationship creation now edits the auto generated relationship name switch for source and destination
- Zipcode registration field is now Canadian-friendly.
- Phone number registration field is now European-friendly.
- Inverted colors on status of Add2exchange Service in Service Utility to reflect expected condition.
- “No Event Logging” is now named “Error Logging Only”.
- Removed reference to TaskController product from licensing dialog.
- Add2Exchange install mentions Exchange 5.5 and we no longer support it, quick fix to remove in wording
- Changed “Place Text Before or After Subject/File As” label in Relationship creation dialog.
- Fixed help text in Console Confidentiality module, in Advanced.
- Misspelling on global options menu fixed.
- “Set Initial and Update Destination Reminder” renamed “Match Reminder to Source” in Relationship Edit window
- Eliminated causes of “Error Encountered during registry read operation of Key: Key Returned :6” warnings.
- Fixed registry read error on autopop with too much text.
- Fixed “Remove Destination Copies” behavior when out of trial.
- Source message deletions on bidirectional relationships with synchronization failure message
- Fixes bidirectional relationship Source message deletion when there is an error synchronizing the Source message in the event viewer log.
- Fixed Software Maintenance expiration reported during install.
- Fixed false report of Performance slider change when exiting Service Utility.
Add2Exchange 4.1.0222 – Released March 5, 2007
- Add2Exchange uses SQL Express 2005, minimizing effects on the Exchange Store and Exchange Transaction Logs.
- Centralized Relationship management system, better optimization, pushes only changes optimized for PDAs and smartphones and has a new Rollback function. If Add2Exchange copies are unsuccessful, this technology significantly reduces the chance of “runaway duplication”.
- Handles recurring events correctly without having to set the prior date to the first master occurrence of the item.
- Optimization for PDA use: Enhanced Synchronization program to track the changes of the Source item without updating all items and still maintaining sync with the Data Repository.
- Regional Fix: Add2Exchange now works in Operating Systems with Non-US regional settings without changing the Regional Settings for the Add2Exchange User.
- Fixed failure to create dependency between Add2Exchange Service and Add2Exchange SQL in Windows Server 2000.
- Fixed loop in Add2Exchange Console when trying to delete unused Relationship.
- Compatibility enhancement with Symantec Backup: Changed Service Start/Stop Program to finish stopping the Add2Exchange Service without hitting 2 minute default time out.
- Optimization Enhancement: Changed Logging system to name the file to the current date preventing the daily file from growing too large when debugging systems.
- User Enhancement: Recurring Items are now handled properly without having to stretch the replication window to catch the Master Item.
- Functionality Enhancement: If an item is marked private after it replicates to the destination (the item is subsequently marked private) and the relationship option is set not to copy private items, Add2Exchange will now remove the destination item.
- Service would start instead of stop when the Add2Exchange Console opened which was an unintended result of the attempt to create dependency of SQL and Add2Exchange Service.
- Synchronization logic for Contacts and Tasks didn’t process conflict resolution properly. Works for Calendars, Contacts, and Tasks.
- Fixed the StartOver Program so that Unpaired Deletes validates correctly. Eliminated the conditional unwanted deletes during scrub.
- Fixed: Code for Service Dependency was causing a failure on the Service Change function for setting the username and password on the Database Service.
- Critical Fix: During a Relationship Delete there was an Error in the logic that was needed to resume when trying to find an item in the DB which wasn’t found in Exchange. The error handler would drop out of the loop without removing any other messages that are still part of the relationship leaving unwanted messages in a destination.
- Scrub Enhancement: Optimized time to process to skip over folders that have already been processed for the following: (a) Corrupted Msgs (b) Unpaired Deletes© Scrub Sources (d) Scrub Destinations.
- Relationship deletion is now pushed from the database.
- “Synchronize No Items” relationship setting now only marks those calendar items that fall within the sync window for non-replication in the future. Existing appointments that fall further in the future than the window will synchronize as they come within the window.
- Fixed service hang when Microsoft Exchange Information Store becomes unavailable during synchronization.
Add2Exchange 4.1.0222 – Released March 5, 2007
- Add2Exchange uses SQL Express 2005, minimizing effects on the Exchange Store and Exchange Transaction Logs.
- Centralized Relationship management system, better optimization, pushes only changes optimized for PDAs and smartphones and has a new Rollback function. If Add2Exchange copies are unsuccessful, this technology significantly reduces the chance of “runaway duplication”.
- Handles recurring events correctly without having to set the prior date to the first master occurrence of the item.
- Optimization for PDA use: Enhanced Synchronization program to track the changes of the Source item without updating all items and still maintaining sync with the Data Repository.
- Regional Fix: Add2Exchange now works in Operating Systems with Non-US regional settings without changing the Regional Settings for the Add2Exchange User.
- Fixed failure to create dependency between Add2Exchange Service and Add2Exchange SQL in Windows Server 2000.
- Fixed loop in Add2Exchange Console when trying to delete unused Relationship.
- Compatibility enhancement with Symantec Backup: Changed Service Start/Stop Program to finish stopping the Add2Exchange Service without hitting 2 minute default time out.
- Optimization Enhancement: Changed Logging system to name the file to the current date preventing the daily file from growing too large when debugging systems.
- User Enhancement: Recurring Items are now handled properly without having to stretch the replication window to catch the Master Item.
- Functionality Enhancement: If an item is marked private after it replicates to the destination (the item is subsequently marked private) and the relationship option is set not to copy private items, Add2Exchange will now remove the destination item.
- Service would start instead of stop when the Add2Exchange Console opened which was an unintended result of the attempt to create dependency of SQL and Add2Exchange Service.
- Synchronization logic for Contacts and Tasks didn’t process conflict resolution properly. Works for Calendars, Contacts, and Tasks.
- Fixed the StartOver Program so that Unpaired Deletes validates correctly. Eliminated the conditional unwanted deletes during scrub.
- Fixed: Code for Service Dependency was causing a failure on the Service Change function for setting the username and password on the Database Service.
- Critical Fix: During a Relationship Delete there was an Error in the logic that was needed to resume when trying to find an item in the DB which wasn’t found in Exchange. The error handler would drop out of the loop without removing any other messages that are still part of the relationship leaving unwanted messages in a destination.
- Scrub Enhancement: Optimized time to process to skip over folders that have already been processed for the following: (a) Corrupted Msgs (b) Unpaired Deletes© Scrub Sources (d) Scrub Destinations.
- Relationship deletion is now pushed from the database.
- “Synchronize No Items” relationship setting now only marks those calendar items that fall within the sync window for non-replication in the future. Existing appointments that fall further in the future than the window will synchronize as they come within the window.
- Fixed service hang when Microsoft Exchange Information Store becomes unavailable during synchronization.
Add2Exchange v4.1.0602 Enhancements
- Some users have experienced that Add2Exchange replicates when closing the Console but then some time stops replicating. Our engineers optimized the timer mechanism so replication will occur in all cases, not just sporadically. Please refer to the “Overview of Getting an Add2Exchange Upgrade” section of this notice to update your version to the latest version.
- We enhanced the Scrub program so that it now scrubs A2O, P2P, CX, and CW fields. This signals the end of Add2Outlook or P2P as we know it working together with A2E. Any installation where Add2Outlook or P2P is installed on the same public folder as A2E will no longer work. Use Add2Exchange for all relationships. For those replicating to a PST file, delete the A2O relationship and remove copies from destination. Then move the PST to the server side mailbox if possible and recreate the relationships in Add2Exchange.
- Bug Fix: When deleting a relationship, it would only remove 1 destination item, now it removes all of them and really does “clean up after itself”.
- Bug Fix: Error 6 while reading the registry – just a “Red Herring”. The system would continue to replicate but a logging message was put in the wrong place.
- Bug Fix: The performance utilization meter would constantly prompt even if you did not change it.
- Bug Fix: A2E Console: Fixed hole where users were out of trial and out of license, automatically set to replicate without a scrub.
- Bug Fix: Changed number of relationships that are being processed in log from count – 1 to just count (falling short).
- Bug Fix: A2E Console allowed multiple openings of the Service Utility window. Put a disable function to the console window in the menu code and re-enable once it returns.
- Bug Fix: (not released, from B2) A2E Director issues new SQL Server test to see if DB is up was using the wrong variable for the Server instead of the DBServer (when servers are the same machine no problem, when they are different machines problem). NO duplication only that the Director would drop out and issue AppEventLog errors telling that the DB is not running.
- Bug Fix: Found a bug in the Agent code that would delete source messages when a copy/move function failed, the source message object was not being removed, only the Destination message object hence when relationship said delete source message on Destination message delete we would lose messages inadvertently.
- Bug Fix: (Not released, from B2) Fix for Compile bug Variable missing. This is for the Registry Export after successful sync.
- Enhancement: Added Filename to the AppEventLog Entry that is generated for AuditCheck/Cleanup. This filename shows user where the audit log lives.
- Enhancement: Changed the Toolbox AuditCheck to notify user when the process had completed. Also included logic to turn it off once it is done. It only spins through killed relationships relationships regardless of what type (A,C,T).
- Enhancement: We removed the Database dependency, because on reboot the system may not be ready so the Add2Exchange Service would not start. Issues log message and stops processing.
- Enhancement: A2E Console Stores the Software Maintenance per module in the Registry so we can decipher during an upgrade to warn the user if they are going to have to pay for the upgrade.
- Enhancement: Added a ToolBox Description for each item in the toolbox. The text file is distributed with the application and maintained each time a new entry is added to the toolbox.
- Enhancement: Changed Title for ToolKit to ToolBox.
- Enhancement: Added Corrupted Items Check/Cleanup to the ToolBox (only entries and descriptions, need to build modules/code to handle the logic.
- Enhancement: SQL Memory FootPrint Optimization Code is now in the ToolBox.
- Enhancement: Changed the A2E Console Folder1Mailbox to show the Path instead. Post /o/ou conversion of the names, mailbox was too long and unreadable. Now loading Folder1Path into the Folder1Mailbox / Folder2Mailbox fields for display in the A2E Console.
- Enhancement: A2E Console, added status information to process bar with verbiage of the console startup.
- Enhancement: Moved code to write registry key to backup after successful sync to the Director. A2E Director writes the registry backup after successful sync Post ‘Task’ processing.
- Enhancement: Change Text of the Event Logging Only to Error Logging Only; Also inverted colors for when the A2E Service status to Green=False and Red = true.
- Annoyance Fix: When you make a two way relationship, we modified the name to better fit the relationship.
- Annoyance Fix: Added the friendly name while displaying the mailbox information in making a relationship.
NEW! Add2Exchange ToolBox Utility
- We created a Desktop Tools Program utility to facilitate supporting your Add2Exchange environment with some free tools (included with the upgrade) and some licensed tools (available for purchase). Visit our online store at http://store.DidItBetter.com for a list of these Add2Exchange ToolBox Tools and purchase options.
Add2Exchange Toolbox: FREE Tools
- Free Check CDO Version: A test algorithm that validates and displays your current version of CDO (a tool that is necessary to the operation of Add2Exchange).
- Free CDO Logon Test: This tool is used to test the ability to log on to your Exchange server using CDO.
- Free Server Move (Target System): This tool is the free part of the Licensed Tools Collection. When performing a move of Add2Exchange from one server or location on a server to another, the installed software on the Target machine is not or may not be licensed yet, so we allow you to run this tool in order to complete the server Migration.
- Free Turn On Consistency Check: This tool is used to validate and report on deleted Relationships that left orphans in the Database for a Relationship cleanup that failed. At one time the system did not delete the destination items when a relationship was deleted. This was solved by an update but left some orphans in the database. This tool will make sure the deleted relationships did “clean up” after itself. Once turned on, the Synchronization software performs this test and generates results to a CSV file that can be viewed in any Text Processing program (notepad, Excel, etc.).
- Free Turn On Consistency Cleanup: Similar to the prior selection, this tool is used to validate and actually clean up on deleted Relationships that left orphans in the Database for a Relationship cleanup that failed.
- Free Corrupted Items Check (Future): This tool will allow you to inspect and report on your message store for Corrupted Items. Some items are not visible because they are corrupted.
- Free Corrupted Items Cleanup (Future): This tool will allow you to remove corrupted items that were discovered during the corrupted items check.
- Free Optimize DB Memory FootPrint: Use this option to optimize the memory utilization of the SQL Database. This should be done for dedicated replication systems or those with reduced memory and or resources.
Add2Exchange Toolbox: Licensed Tools
- A2E StartOver: This utility allows you to do a “StartOver”, where Add2Exchange is set to “unreplicate” and then “rereplicate” again. This process removes all destination items for all relationships and cleans out the Add2Exchange Database, and then pauses. The Add2Exchange Administrator then can verify and then start the process to repopulate again. This is a licensed tool.
- Server Move (Source System): This tool allows you to move your installed Add2Exchange program to a new drive or location on the same server or to a new Server almost effortlessly. When performing a move of Add2Exchange to another location, the installed software on the Target machine is not or may not be licensed yet, so this tool must be run with the free tool: Server Move (Target System) to complete the server Migration.
- Verbose Logging: This is used if you need to debug your Add2Exchange environment higher than the 0,1 and 2 levels given free. Use this Tool to raise the logging levels from 1 to 5. Caution, this option will generate Log files (stored in the Logs subdirectory of the installed Add2Exchange program) which grow very large very quickly, and the size depends on your number of relationships and number of messages.
Add2Exchange V4.1.0222 – Release Date 03/5/2007
- Add2Exchange user SQL Express 2005 and unlike V2.x and 3.x uses very little meta data in the items and V4.1x has minimal effect on the Exchange Store and Exchange Transaction logs.
- Works better than add2Outlook because there is less traffic, no user interaction and less traffic on the network switches.
- Centralized Relationship management system, better optimization, pushes only changes optimized for PDAs and Smartphones and has a new Rollback function. If A2E copies are unsuccessful, this technology significantly reduces the chance of “runaway duplication”.
- Handles Reoccurring events correctly without having to set the prior date to the first master occurrence of the item.
- Optimization for PDA use: Enhanced Synchronization program to track the changes of the Source item without updating all items and still maintaining sync with the Data Repository
- Regional Fix: A2E now works in Operating Systems with Non-US OS’ regional settings without changing the Regional Settings for the A2E User.
- Win2K Operating System Inconsistency Fix: Failure to create dependency between A2E Service and A2ESQL in Win2000 OS’s was repaired.
- Critical Fix: With a certain condition, the A2E Console could get in an endless loop when trying to delete a relationship that never replicated. Fixed.
- Compatibility enhancement with Symantec Backup: Changed Service Start/Stop Program to finish stopping the A2E Service without hitting 2 minute default time out.
- Optimization Enhancement: Changed Logging system to name the file to the current date preventing the daily file from growing too large when debugging systems.
- User Enhancement: Recurring Items are now handled properly without having to stretch the replication window to catch the Master Item.
- Functionality Enhancement: If an item is marked private after it replicates to the destination (the item is subsequently marked private) and the relationship option is set not to copy private items, Add2Exchange will now remove the destination item.
- Critical Fix: Service would start instead of stop when the A2E Console opened which was an unintended result of the attempt to create dependency of SQL and Add2Exchange Service.
- Critical Fix: Sync logic for Contacts and Tasks didn’t process conflict resolution properly. Works for Calendars, Contacts, and Tasks.
- Fixed the Scrub Program so that Unpaired Deletes validates correctly. Eliminated the conditional unwanted deletes during scrub. (Sorry for the inconvenience)
- Fixed: Code for Service Dependency was causing a failure on the Service Change function for setting the username and password on the Database Service.
- Critical Fix: During a Relationship Delete there was an Error in the logic that was needed to resume when trying to find an item in the DB which wasn’t found in Exchange. The error handler would drop out of the loop without removing any other messages that are still part of the relationship leaving unwanted messages in a destination.
- Scrub Enhancement: Optimized time to process to skip over folders that have already been processed for the following: (a) Corrupted Msgs (b) Unpaired Deletes© Scrub Sources (d) Scrub Destinations.
- Console Speed Enhancement: Relationship Deletes are now pushed from the DBase.
- “Synchronize No Items” relationship setting now only marks those calendar items that fall within the sync window for non-replication in the future. Existing appointments that fall further in the future than the window will synchronize as they come within the window.
- Fixed service hang when Microsoft Exchange Information Store becomes unavailable during synchronization.
Add2Exchange 4.1 Release Notes and Upgrade Process
Important: Add2Exchange 4.1 is now built on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express as its database technology. In some instances, the installation procedure will now require a reboot for SQL Services to operate properly. Plan your installation for a service maintenance window as appropriate.
Important: If you are installing on any edition of Windows Server 2003, including Small Business Server, Add2Exchange 4.1 requires a minimum service pack level of SP1. This is the service pack requirement for the Windows Server 2003 operating system, not to be confused with the Exchange Server service pack level. You can verify your current Windows Server 2003 service pack level by right-clicking My Computer, selecting Properties and looking under the System heading. If there is no service pack listed, you will need to either upgrade to at least SP1 or install on another server that does have SP1 installed. Detailed requirements are described in the System Requirements section of the Add2Exchange Installation Guide.
There are additional requirements for installing Add2Exchange when installing on a server other than the Exchange server. These requirements are described in the installation process in the Installation Guide. Consult the Installation Guide for more details.
If you are moving your Add2Exchange installation to another server to accommodate the SP1 requirement, consult the technical bulletin Transferring the A2E Service to New Server in the Add2Exchange Technical Bulletins section of our website, www.DidItBetter.com.
DidItBetter.com Software is pleased to announce the release of version 4.1 of Add2Exchange. This version includes many improvements and fixes over revisions 3.6 and 3.7, including:
Individual synchronization intervals for Calendars, Contacts and Tasks
Logging to a dedicated Add2Exchange log folder in the Windows Event Viewer
Improved resource usage of Exchange CDO connections
Unlimited number of relationships supported against a single source folder
Add2Exchange Data Migration Tool
Correct handling of picture attachments to contacts
Minimum 5-minute synchronization interval
New options for copied items upon deletion of a relationship
Upgrade Considerations
DidItBetter.com Software recommends that all users upgrade to Release 4.1. Users with the following concerns should upgrade as soon as feasible:
Those looking to reduce the number of transaction logs generated by Add2Exchange
Those experiencing problems with contact pictures synchronizing properly
Those experiencing duplicates or other synchronization issues involving more than 35 (in Add2Exchange versions 3.6 or prior) or 75 relationships (in Add2Exchange 3.7) built against a single source folder
Those experiencing duplicates or other synchronization issues after having built and deleted many relationships against a particular source folder
Transaction Logs
In older versions of Add2Exchange, only a single synchronization interval could be set. This interval defined how often Add2Exchange would synchronize items, including Contact, Calendar and Task items. While users using Calendars tend to want frequent synchronization to stay current, those using Contacts don’t usually need frequent synchronization since Contacts change less frequently. If a user is using both Calendars and Contacts, however, setting a short synchronization interval to keep Calendars up-to-date also means synchronizing Contacts frequently. Since there can be large numbers of Contacts, this leads to wasted processing time and unnecessary transaction logging (even unchanged items cause transaction logs to be generated).
Release 4.1 allows separate synchronization intervals to be set for each module. Transaction logs can be reduced by setting a longer interval for modules with large numbers of items (such as Contacts) versus modules that need shorter intervals (such as Calendars). See the Service Utility in the Add2Exchange Console for the synchronization interval settings.
Correct handling of Contact Pictures
Some users have reported issues of Contact Pictures not synchronizing properly after the first synchronization.
Release 4.1 correctly maintains picture attachments after the first synchronization cycle.
Unlimited number of relationships built against a single source folder
Some users have experienced duplication and synchronization issues with large numbers of active relationships (> 35 in version 3.6, > 75 in version 3.7) or situations where a large number of relationships have been deleted and/or built. These only occur in environments where the relationships all share the same source folder.
Release 3.7 raised a limit of 35 relationships built against a single source folder to 75 relationships. Version 4.1 removes this limitation entirely.
As part of the upgrade process, 4.1 will migrate the Add2Exchange data to a new format that makes better use of Exchange resources. Upon opening Add2Exchange Console in version 4.1 for the first time the data migration process will begin automatically. This process does not require the user to do any deletion or modification of existing relationships. As in any automated procedure, it is prudent to have recent backups of your Exchange stores prior to running the data migration process.
Applies To
- Add2Exchange Standard
- Add2Exchange Enterprise
Keywords: Release Notes