If this is your first time using Add2Outlook or you are upgrading, post here.
Add2Outlook to Add2Outlook move with an old Add2Outlook server
Old Machine:
- First update old machine to the latest version of Add2Outlook
- Close Outlook
- Download http://support.diditbetter.com/downloads.aspx and extract, run Add2Outlook FULL as administrator
- Open Outlook
- Export the registry key for the mail profile under current user and note the profile name in the sub key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OpenDoor Software®\Add2Outlook or if 64 bit system, HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\wow6432 node\OpenDoor Software®
- Next, Save old database from here C:\Program Files\OpenDoor Software®\Add2Outlook\Add2Outlook - called for example: C:\Program Files\OpenDoor Software®\Add2Outlook\Add2Outlook SQL\Add2Outlook Database for Profile tc 2010.sdf - SQL table before formatting
In this example, it is called "Add2Outlook Database for Profile tc 2010.sdf " because my profile name is tc 2010
Check your old outlook profile name - name the new one the same or you can fix it later (below)
- SAVE the registry and DB and setup files for that version you installed OFFLINE!!!
See this tip: for detailed configuration settings
New Machine:
- Turn UAC off - http://www.petri.co.il/disable_uac_in_windows_vista.htm reboot
- If this is a 64 bit machine, use 64 bit version of Outlook!!!!!!
- Do MS updates, Reboot
- Download and run the MS Office Config tool and apply for and do any "hidden" updates they recommend
- Make your Outlook 2010 profile the same way with the same name and same stores, etc cached, etc
- Close Outlook
- Install Add2Outlook on new machine
- Open Outlook - Add in should activate
- Go to C:\Program Files\OpenDoor Software®\Add2Outlook\Add2Outlook See new database name - Should be the same
- If not
Rename the new database it created to “z…name”
Copy - old db there (don’t move - have it in two locations)
Change name of old DB to new db name
- Open Outlook - Rels should be there in the Add2Outlook Addins tab (File/options/add ins/Add2Outlook) if done right
- Add other mailboxes
- Close Outlook
- Install Add2Outlook A2OSetup Full - Right click and install full as admin
- Open Outlook
- Accept the add in
- Close Outlook
- Go to tools, add ins, and Add2Outlook to see relationships (If not there, then you did something wrong. If there and in alert, go to Relationship Recovery Mode) Recover each relationship if applicable
- If NO DATABASE is found, and you are migrating from another system, convert the registry file if necessary for name of profile and potentially 64 bit node and import into the registry. See below
- Save
If no Database there you were using Registry version and not DB version: We suggest Submit a Free or Premier Support Request
- Convert the registry file to 64 bit if necessary and edit the profile name so it activates and save as new file, do not overwrite original.
- Note: you may have to convert this reg file to 64 bit if the new machine is 64 and the older was 32 and name the new outlook profile the same
- Edit that registry key so the new profile matches the new Outlook profile user name
- Import old relationships into the existing registry
- Open Outlook
- Relationships should be there, if not, contact tech support below for Premier Support
Please review the system requirements in our product guide.
If you would like one of our techs to remote in to assist, we offer several blocks of Premier Support which covers remote/phone support for a block of time (up to 2 hours, 4 hours, 8 hours, 15 hours); sessions are held by appointment during our normal business hours. More information on Premier Support