You can make the A2E Gal cache relationship (Add2Exchange Enterprise) set to copy to a folder in the public – in a one way, unidirectional information flow from Active Directory Global Address List (GAL) to a new public folder GAL cache contact folder. We suggest making a new folder just for this purpose. You can exclude any accounts with email addresses you wish from within the A2E Console.
Most AD fields are represented (mapped) to a field in the Outlook contacts. Any field mapped from AD to the Outlook Public folder GAL Cache will be overwritten from the GAL each sync cycle. Gal Cache has it's own timer and definable interval.
There are more Outlook fields than there are in GAL and if you add data to those fields, the data you enter which is not an AD GAL mapped field will stay there and sync. One of the fields in Outlook which is not in AD is an attachment for a picture, so you can add pictures to the GAL Cache public folder and it will sync out to the phone.
TIP: Make the pictures small png or tiffs so the size of each contact remains relatively small. Tip2: Female secretaries like the glamour shots, not the Monday morning with no coffee pictures. Tip3: Finally, be prudent in what you add to the AD records because this information will be available to those with relationships. Cell phone numbers and home address may or may not be advisable, depending on your business situation.
Then you make the special kind of A2E Contact Relationship from public to private called GAL relationships. You can make single relationships or use the RGM Templating to make a template and attach to a distribution list. These relationships are also only one way, unidirectional on information flow. Users can edit the GAL Cache contact, but only the fields which are not mapped from AD. As a result of a relationship, users can not edit their GAL Cache contact copy in their personal folders and have it write back to the GAL Cache or AD. This restriction maintains security and makes sure AD and the GALCache are the master copies. Gal relationships can be set to recopy if the destination item is deleted or it can be set not to be recopied, but most GAL relationships are usually set to recopy.