Event Type: Error
Event Source: Add2Exchange
Event Category: None
Event ID: 5001
20130102152639: GAL Command Get GAL Error: -2147467259 Error in IMAPITable::Restrict: MAPI_E_CALL_FAILED At Line 280 | Calling program: Add2Exchange Console
After an upgrade to A2E Enterprise version 14.12.1384.600 (or later), when accessing an Exchange 2010 server, the A2E GAL exclusions tab may be empty. This is normal, so you do not have to do anything on the screen except cancel.
This empty list is due to a newer technology we are using to make GAL Sync faster and more efficient, and less taxing on resources. Unfortunately, this is a known issue by Microsoft and the new improvement requires an update to Exchange. Please verify you have Exchange SP2 Rollup 3 (or later) to work correctly.
Stop the A2E Service, do the MS Exchange update and reboot the Exchange Server.
After the reboot, open the A2E Console and verify the list is correct.
If it is not correct, please submit a ticket here: http://support.diditbetter.com/support-request.aspx