If Add2Exchange was working and now it's not, post here.
Logon Credentials error - Collaboration Data Objects
We recently installed Outlook 2003 on our exchange server, which also has our add2exchange software installed.
We then noticed that this was causing an issue with the syncing of the mobile devices through add2exchange and uninstalled this software, but now we are unable to get into the console to partner up the users on this console. We looked into it and it mentions that we have to reregister the CDO, it gave no instructions on how to do this so we re-installed the following software on the server: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=E17E7F31-079A-43A9-BFF2-0A110307611E&displaylang=en
We now get the following error when trying to get into the control panel:
An error occurred while attempting to logon to:
Exchange server: .....
Mailbox: .....
Please verify that the account os valid and has the appropriate permissions.
Description: [Collaboration Data Objects - [MAPI_E_LOGON_FAILED(80040111)]]
Number: -2147221231
Location: 5
Build: 9.7.175
We run through the permissions again on the account and they are all still present.
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Re: Logon Credentials error - Collaboration Data Objects
Hi craigs,
CDO for Exchange 2003 is included with Exchange System Manager. The best route to fix it is to reinstall ESM from the distribution media.
If you don't have the media available, the next best option is to run the a2ediags, which are included in the Add2Exchange download as a zip file. Extract the zip, then run A2EDiags.bat. In the menu that presents itself, first double-click "Unregister CDO", which will run and may report nothing done if Outlook 2003 was successfully uninstalled. Then double-click "Register CDO". Try Add2Exchange again after that completes.
If that doesn't work, the last option is to reinstall a newer version of CDO. We prefer that you try this last because as a rule of thumb, compatibility is usually best with the version of CDO which comes with your Exchange. In fact, I can't remember whether the latest version of CDO will allow you to install with 2003, but it's worth trying if the other measures haven't worked. You can find the file ExchangeMapiCdo.msi in the preinstaller folder of the Add2Exchange download. Run it and try Add2Exchange again after.